The Misfits of Japanese Theatre

P.U.N.K. (P.U.N.K.パンク Panku in the OCG) is an archetype that was introduced to the TCG in the Deck Builder Pack, “The Grand Creators”, on January 27th, 2022. Since then, it has received two additional waves of support in the main sets “Dimension Force” (May 19, 2022) and “Power of the Elements” (August 7, 2022). Ever since its coveted release, P.U.N.K. has made waves in each subsequent metagame, initially functioning as an engine for Halqifibrax-reliant decks before eventually holding its own ground as its own deck. In the modern era, P.U.N.K. continues to thrive in players' decks and in players’ hearts.

The cards of P.U.N.K. are divided into five categories based on various genres of Japanese art. These include Ukiyo-e, or 17th to 19th century Japanese woodblock prints and paintings; Gagaku, or a type of Japanese classical music catered towards the higher classes; Joruri, or a form of Japanese storytelling that utilizes music to convey plot points; Noh/Nogaku, or a type of classic Japanese dance-drama set on telling stories of dealing with one’s own past; and Jam, or a culmination of modern art.

The theme’s main deck monsters are composed primarily of Level 3 Psychic-type Monsters, with exceptions in the form of two Level 8’s (Fiend and Beast) and a Level 5 (Warrior). P.U.N.K. also contains three unique spells and two unique traps - also, two Synchro Monsters and one Fusion monster. Each individual inclusion expresses the aesthetics of their respective genre previously mentioned above via their card art. For example, the “Noh-P.U.N.K.” cards feature masks that reference the iconic masks of Noh theater plays that imbue actor’s characters with interpretative emotion. The “Gagaku-P.U.N.K.” Spells key in on certain strides Gagaku performances and adapt instruments that would have been used to produce the art’s music.

P.U.N.K. is a very resilient and versatile deck due to its lack of restrictions, enabling them access to various high-yield combos. As alluded to prior, this trait enables the archetype to function as a robust supporting engine in a myriad of hybrid builds to be dubbed “variants”. As such, P.U.N.K. has many different strategies it can conform to, and many different lines of play it can follow that make playing against it a challenge.

Like the other Guides on the site, this one aims to teach players almost everything about the deck, ranging from its strength, weaknesses, playstyle, combos, and even its history. And it’s to act as basically an archive of information for the archetype. This is to make sure that every new, present, and returning players of the deck will be able to keep up to the deck’s true potential.

The first wave of PUNKs was quite… underwhelming to say the least. No real gameplan, no consistent way to get advantage, and overall just no combo that ends on anything good. Due to this, only 2 of PUNK Cards ever saw competitive play, which is Loading... and Loading... .The deck initially functioned as a small engine used for decks to make Loading... or Loading... with 1 Card, whether it’s from Normal Summoning Ze Amin or activating {Emergency Teleport. These engines was quite commonly seen in 3-Axis based decks, like Phantom Knights that thrived on another way to make Cherubini and the newly popular 3-Axis Auroradon build that terrorized some Official Tournaments in both the OCG and TCG.

It wasn’t until the release of Dimension Force in May 2022 where the deck got 1 piece of support in Loading... wherein the deck finally seemed like it was able to do something. Being a Level 5 that also summons back a P.U.N.K. from the GY made it fantastic for the deck, as it finally had a consistent 1.5 Card Combo to end on Loading... and a Level 8 Monster to make Loading... during the opponent’s turn. But alas, the Pure Version of the deck still wasn’t seeing play, on the other hand the P.U.N.K. Engine suddenly became a much stronger threat overnight. It no longer just made Halqifibrax or Cherubini, it also started making Loading... to essentially Mill 4 and add 1 thanks to Deer Note. And following it up with either a Loading... to summon a combo piece from deck, or overlaying Chaos Ruler and Foxy Tune to make Loading... to mill an additional 4 cards from yours and the opponent’s deck, once again, thanks to Deer Note. A lot of decks lived and died with this engine, it made decks like Dragon Link much more powerful in the meta, and Rogue Decks like Zombies enjoyed the ability to Mill 9 Cards with the activation of 1 single card.

It wasn’t until August of 2022 where Pure P.U.N.K.s finally saw competitive play, as this month released the Power of the Elements set and gave the deck 2 new powerful pieces of support. A Field Spell that acts as extension, and makes up for the lost advantage of Foxy Tune’s discard, and a Level 8 Synchro that gains you advantage by adding any Level 3 Psychic from deck to hand. These pieces of support are what the deck needed for people to finally realize how insane the deck truly is, with PAKTcg getting a First Place with the deck in the POTE Sneak Peek Event. Although, it wouldn’t reach the top spots much as this set also dropped the long awaited and feared Sprights and Tearlaments, 2 Decks that everyone knows from the OCG that will be undoubtedly the new best decks of the upcoming format. And compared to the 2 decks, P.U.N.K.s really didn’t seem like it could reach Tiered Status, and was relegated to be a Rogue Deck for the format.

The Engine didn’t change with this new support. But it did gain more decks to play in, as a handful of decks (Tearlaments) enjoyed Chaos Ruler’s ability to Mill Tear Names and the occasional Loading... . But the engine wouldn’t last long after this format, as a mere 1 month later the TCG Forbidden and Limited List got updated to include Loading... and Loading... in the Forbidden Section, preventing both cards from seeing any play in the future formats. This was presumed to be a decision made by Konami to prevent Punks being splashed into any further deck, and serves as a way to nerf the new Tearlament Deck. With this, P.U.N.K. as an engine was finally dead, which lead to a lot of decks being completely unviable in the new format.

For my sake, I’ll be writing them as PUNK instead of P.U.N.K. for the rest of the guide.

  • Punk Breakdown
  • Techs
  • Decklists and Cores
  • Combo Walkthrough
  • Therion
  • Zombie
  • Other piles/decks worth mentioning

P.U.N.K. Archetypal Cards

The Crew

The Main Members of the Crew are Level 3 Tuners with 2 separate effects. The first effect needs you to Pay 600 for their services, while the second effect nets you advantage, or enables your plays with the case of Sharakusai.

Sea Man
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin

Ze Amin is the bright shining star of the archetype. Their alluring voice and her graceful steps is sure to put you in awe! (Note: Apparently Ze Amin is a boy, I'm not sure anymore so I'll be using they/them pronouns for Ze Amin. Blame Konami's twitter, but I doubt they're a male tbh)

They're what makes the entire deck shine and is the reason why the deck is as consistent as it is. By paying the necessary 600 LP for her effect, you get to add any PUNK Monster, except for themselves, from your deck to your hand. With the deck's arsenal, this makes them either one of the best starters, or one of the best extenders. Either way, they usually start or extend combos by adding Loading... in order to summon another PUNK Monster from the Deck, mainly Loading... for Synchro 8 plays.

Oh, also their second effect when sent to GY is... pretty nice, I suppose. When sent to GY, Ze Amin can boost the ATK of a PUNK Monster by 600. This is nice on Turn 3 or higher, but quite useless on the first turn as the monster you boost will usually always immediately go to the GY too. Useless effect, HOWEVER, it can Chain-Block for the effects of Deer Note, Chaos Ruler, or Dragon Drive, blocking the opponent from using Loading... on the effect to bring back a PUNK from the GY or blocking Loading... for Dragon Drive and Chaos Ruler.

As an engine, Ze Amin is going to be the gas of the vehicle that you are steering. Paired with Foxy Tune, Deer Note, and with the help of Loading... , a simple Normal Summon (or Special Summon with E-Tele) will get you into a variety of different play starters. Ranging from Milling 9 with Loading... and Loading... , or simply pitching a Level 3 with Loading... .

Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai

Sharakusai, the archetype's mesmerizing art nebula. Take a single look at his grafitti and you'll be looking at it for days~ as if it's pulling you in... like a spiral...

Pay 600 and Sharakusai be able to Fusion Summon a PUNK Monster by using PUNKs from either hand or field. The deck only has 1 Fusion, and it just so happens to summon 2 PUNKS with different levels from the deck, which effectively makes Sharakusai both a core Starter and Extender. Sharakusai can be seen as a less consistent Ze Amin, being able to both start and extend the deck's combos like nothing. Only difference is, Sharakusai needs another PUNK Monster in hand in order to be an effective starter, as compared to Ze Amin only needing any card in hand.

What Sharakusai has over Ze Amin on the other hand, is the strong second effect. During the opponent’s turn, on a Quick-Effect, you can pay 600 LP in order to perform an Accel Synchro by using monsters you control in order to Synchro Summon into a PUNK Synchro. This is the core part of one of the deck’s main combos, where the endboard will include Sharakusai and another Level 8 Synchro, which will usually be Loading... , in order to Summon and Activate Loading... ’s effect o the opponent’s turn to bounce up to 4 cards!

Waaaa Gone
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon

Wa Gon, the Maestro of the Choir. Feel the beat as it surrounds your soul!

A necessary Extender to make your endboards. Wa Gon gets you any PUNK Spell Card from the Deck after paying the needed 600 LP to do so. And I can tell you now, you’re only going to be adding the Field Spell, Loading... , with this effect as it is the only real playable PUNK Spell. Because of how the Field Spell Works, it effectively makes Wa Gon an Extender since it enables you to use Extreme Session’s Special Summon effect and the Pot of Greed every single time you do your normal combo.

Wa Gon’s second effect is an on-field effect that will usually never come up as Wa Gon will never be on Field for very long. When your opponent targets your PUNK Monster for an effect or an attack, you get to draw a card, once per turn. A niche draw that can sometimes help if you draw a handtrap. Again, Wa Gon will never be on Field for long, making this effect come up very very rarely, or never at all.

Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider

Madame Spider, the Puppetmaster of the Opera. Open up your heart, and breathe in the emotions of her story.

Not necessarily an extender, but it does reinforce the deck’s endboards. As usual, the mandatory 600 LP fee will let you use her effect, in this case you’ll be getting a Trap Card from your deck to your hand. The trap cards of the deck are both pretty decent, and it makes Madame Spider represent either a Monster Negate with Loading... , or a way to interrupt and destroy an opponent’s card on Field with Loading... .

Her second effect is fairly… decent. When you activate a PUNK card’s effect, or any card that targets an opponent’s card, you get to target and cut the ATK of an opponent’s monster in half. Obviously quite bad going first, but this gets better going second in helping break down boards.

Nōgaku - Ze Amin's Mystifying Dance Performances

Ze Amin performs the Nōgaku part of the PUNKS, a combination of the traditional Japanese Theaters ,"Noh" and "Kyōgen". The Nōgaku gameplan of PUNKS revolve around Ze Amin performing a song-and-dance performance to represent the Main Deck Monsters, by virtue of Adding from Deck to Hand, Special Summoning from Deck, and Special Summoning from the GY.

Fun Fact: Ze Amin is based on Kanze Motokiyo, more commonly known as Zeami, one of the best playwrights in all of Japanese Theatre

Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune

Loading... , the way Ze Amin gets the job done. Let’s speed through the first 2 effects. The first effect makes it so Foxy Tune can gain you LP equal to the ATK of an opponent’s monster that it destroys by battle. This sometimes come up if you need the additional LP to activate the PUNK Effects if you ever get too low. Second effect being that. Foxy Tune can special summon themselves by tributing any one PUNK Monster on the Field. This could be useful in some very niche cases, an example would be to make Amazing Dragon under 5 summons to play around Loading... .

But the effect that everyone knows and is actually expecting, the third effect. Foxy Tune is able to send themselves from the Hand or Field into the GY for cost, in order to make you send 1 card from your Hand to the GY and Special Summon 1 non-Level 8 PUNK Monster from the deck onto the field. This enables the entire engine and deck that is PUNK. Easily letting you gain access to 2 Level 3 Monsters, or a way to make a Level 8 Synchro with Deer Note.

Note that this effect is NOT a discard and sends to GY instead, meaning that an effect like Loading... or Loading... ’s Floodgate effects will make you unable to activate Foxy Tune.

Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance

Loading... is a ROTA (A searcher) for the Deck. Again, just like Foxy Tune, let’s ignore the first effect as it will usually never come up. The second effect is the same as Foxy Tune as well.

Ogre Dance’s relevant effect is the third one, wherein you can send it from your Hand or Field to the GY in order to Search and Add a PUNK Monster of your choice from the deck to your hand, as long as it isn’t a Level 8. This makes you more likely to open up with one of your starters, either Sharakusai or Ze Amin. Just a simple consistency tool pretty much.

Same deal with Foxy Tune, Ogre Dance can't activate under a Loading... type of effect

Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note

Loading... , the card that everyone and their mothers seem to have been waiting for. Why’s that, you may ask. Well, let’s look at its effects real quick. The first effect is only relevant in the Pure Version of the deck, making it so Deer Note itself isn’t a brick and is actually a decent extender by itself.

The second effect, on the other hand, is a game-changer. When sent to the GY, by any means, you can target any PUNK Monster in your GY and Special Summon it back to the field. This can summon ANY Punk from the GY, pair this with the fact that Deer Note is a Level 5 and it enables a lot of powerful strategies. In the Pure Version of the deck, this would usually summon back Sharakusai in order to have his on field effect active. But as an engine… this is a gold mine for playstarters and combos. That of which I will be discussing in further entries.

Oh, also Deer Note can’t summon a Level 5 PUNK with this effect meaning it can’t special summon itself at all, and using this effect actually locks you out of summoning more copies of Deer Note whether it be from the Hand, Deck, or GY.

Gagaku! - Wa Gon's Elegant Musical Arrangements

Wa Gon leads the Musical Gagaku Part of the PUNKS, a genre of traditional Japanese music that was historically performed as imperial court music. His tones and beats are represented by the Archetype's Spell Cards. Sadly however, the Gagaku Spell Cards aren't really playable due to their lackluster effects.

Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Crash Beat

Crash Beat has an interesting counter-attack effect. If your opponent targets a PUNK Monster you control, you can target a card your opponent controls and destroy it. In theory, this would be a decent card, but like a lot of other cards in different archetypes, it just ends up being way too situational, ineffective, and inconsistent in most situations. In most games you are either not going to have a PUNK in the board for this to work, or you are actually able to use this and destroy… a Loading... I guess. That may sound good but just remember that you are literally going Minus 1 in Card Advantage just by having this card in your deck.

Oh I guess it also has a decent GY Effect that will also never activate and be useful. Also this card gets better going second, I suppose.

Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wild Picking

Wild Picking definitely has a superior effect compared to Crash Beat. A PUNK Monster being able to destroy an opponent’s monster at the start of the damage step (Once Per Turn) has more mileage than whatever Crash Beat is. This could be used going second to remove potentially problematic monsters before going into your comos, and going first you could have this set-up to protect Sharakusai from battle for his Accel Synchro on the opponent’s turn. Even compared to Crash Beat, the GY effect that Wild Picking has when destroyed is more useful since it can protect Sharakusai from battle even when destroyed.

I may be praising the card, but this does NOT mean it’s necessarily playable. You could potentially play a copy as a search target for Wa Gon, but I can assure you, you’d want to be searching Loading... instead in a lot of games. Wild Picking is exactly the type of Win-More card that people always talk about when it comes to deck building different decks.

Joruri~ - Madame Spider's Enchanting Stories

Madame Spider can be seen as the composer of the group. Representing the Jōruri part of the PUNKS, a genre of traditional Japanese music that emphasizes the lyrics and narration rather than the music itself. Specifically, it is based on ningyō jōruri, a form of Japanese puppet theatre accompanied by jōruri narrative music. Madame Spider's Puppets represents these in the form of the Archetypal Trap Cards of the deck.

Joruri-P.U.N.K. Dangerous Gabu

Dangerous Gabu, pretty much just a searchable Loading... but without the Column Negation. Simply negating an opponent’s monster for the turn can make the difference between winning and losing a game. Pretty shocking, I know. Also has an additional LP Gain effect if you control a PUNK Monster, quite irrelevant in most cases.

Dangerous Gabu is better than Nashiwari Surprise against decks like Branded and Swordsoul, where negating the right Monster Effect goes a long way. Gabu also works better if you aim to make Loading... and pass as the additional LP Gain when you control a PUNK is unnecessary and is actually detrimental for PEP. Also the better Trap Card if you're playing Madame Spider in a PUNK Engine for another Deck like Phantom Knights.

Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise

Nashiwari Surprise, a trap card that can destroy any Set Card on the field, or any card on the field if you control a PUNK Monster. A searchable interruption tool that can perfectly mess with an opponent’s plays in a lot of different situations.

Nashiwari Surprise is better against Backrow Heavy Decks, or Control Decks, like Runick and Labrynth. And also does well in stopping some decks like Spright by destroying their main Combo Piece (i.e. Loading... ). This trap card is also more useful than Dangerous Gabu when you want to pass on Sharakusai and Dragon Drive for the Amazing Dragon Play.

Ukiyoe - Sharakusai's Hypnotizing Art

Sharakusai runs the night with his majestic Ukiyoe art style that he leaves around the city. Based on the Ukiyo-e, a genre of Japanese art based on woodblock prints and paintings, Sharakusai leaves his mark by making his art come to life in the form of the Archetypal Extra Deck Monsters.

Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp

Rising Carp, a Fusion that requires 2 PUNK Monsters to Summon. This is how Sharakusai becomes a Starter and Extender for the deck. By tributing itself, Rising Carp can Special Summon 1 or 2 PUNK Monsters with different names from the Hand and/or Deck, but you can’t Summon any Level 8s. In about 98% of situations, this will usually summon both Deer Note and another Level 3 PUNK in order to go into a Level 8 Synchro. Also note that you can only use this effect if Rising Carp is properly Fusion Summoned, meaning you can’t bring it back with Loading... or Amazing Dragon in order to reuse the effect.

It also has the GY Effect when used as Synchro Material, wherein it can make a PUNK Monster attack twice for the Battle Phase that turn. This is surprisingly relevant in some games, as Amazing Dragon can revive Rising Carp and have it be used to summon Loading... or another Amazing Dragon, and OTK by having a PUNK Synchro Attack Twice.

Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon

Amazing Dragon, one of the deck’s 2 Main Level 11 Synchros. Amazing Dragon has 2 very relevant effects. The first effect activates on its Synchro Summon, where you can target cards your opponent controls up to the number of Level 3 Psychic Monsters with different names on your Field or in your GY, and return them all to the hand. With the standard PUNK Combo, this will always get you at least 4 Bounces, which can funnily be increased by Loading... and the Psychic Wheels. This is Sharakusai’s other form of utility, being able to Summon this card on your Opponent’s Turn is quite a strong effect when used at just the right time. Instantly winning you duels against Backrow Decks, and preventing other decks from accessing their combos… assuming they have no extension.

The second effect is quite strong as well, being able to just Revive any PUNK Monster from your GY except for itself. This is a very good follow-up tool, being able to bring back a Ze Amin/Dragon Drive for more combos, or Rising Carp for an OTK Play.

Note that you can only use 1 of Amazing Dragon’s effects per turn. Meaning if you use the Bounce, you can’t use the Revive that turn, and vice-versa.

P.U.N.K. JAM! - The Performance of a Lifetime!

The PUNK Jam portion of the deck is a reference to Jam Sessions, impromptu musical performances where a gathering of musicians play together. These cards revolve around getting the crew together for show. Acting as the deck's Consistency and Extension tools.

P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session

Yeah, Konami doesn’t really care about the quality of Field Spells anymore huh? Loading... is quite the tremendous card to receive as support for the Deck. It works as both extension, and draw power. The first effect lets you banish a PUNK Card from your GY in order to Special Summon 1 PUNK Monster from the hand. This is how the deck is able to extend for its combos, and one of the main ways to get through/past interruptions.

The second effect is also bonkers. On a hard… twice per turn, you’re able to Draw 1 Card if your Psychic Monster on field pays LP in order to activate an effect. If you’re able to pull off your regular combos, this is literally just a Loading... for the deck, which lets you dig your deck for more Power Cards like Handtraps or Follow-up. It also makes it so you’re compensated for the technical discard cost that Foxy Tune has. Keep in mind that this Draw effect also activates on your opponent’s turn, which makes it pair really well with Sharakusai’s Quick Effect, and Dragon Drive’s revival effect.

P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive

Dragon Drive is a really fun card. First, by paying 600 LP on its Synchro Summon, it’s an extension tool for the deck allowing you to add any Level 3 Psychic Monster from your deck to your hand. In the standard deck combo, this will usually add Madame Spider in order to get a Trap Card for more interruption. And since it’s usually summoned after activating Extreme Session, it also triggers its effect in order to let you draw a card. But here’s the catch for Dragon Drive’s effect, you can add any Level 3 Psychic Monster, in the situation where you already have everything in hand, or if you already know the match-up, this can add Loading... from your Deck to your Hand to act as even more Interruption. And it’s not just Ghost Ogre, you can even add Loading... to make a Level 6 Synchro/Rank 3 Xyz, and when used in a PUNK Engine for Virtual World, this can even add Loading... .

Second, the GY Effect to revive itself when your opponent uses a card in response to your PUNK Card is really really neat as well. Dragon Drive’s first effect also triggers when it’s Special Summoned by a PUNK Card, which means not only does this revive, it also adds a Level 3 Psychic Monster to your hand, AND triggers Extreme Session.

Dragon Drive is simply just a Synchro that does so much for an archetype, it’s unreal. ALSO, almost forgot but the first effect is an effect that lets you choose between either adding the card, or sending it to GY. The Loading... effect can come up in rare situations where you need to boost the amount of Amazing Dragon’s bounces, but you can’t put the chosen Psychic Monster on the Field.

Honorary P.U.N.K. Cards

Emergency Teleport

Loading... summons any Level 3 or Lower Psychic Monster from the Hand or Deck. This essentially acts as extra copies of any of your needed PUNKS. Doesn’t have a Once per Turn clause by the way 👀

Nothing much else to say other than the fact that it’s a Quick-Play. It can actually act as another form of interruption if you set it and summon Loading... during the opponent’s turn. And you can chain it to Loading... to give your opponent 1 less draw, albeit you’re probably still giving them 2-8 cards with it.

If it ever get's off the banlist, be sure to play 3 copies!

Psychic End Punisher

Loading... , or PEP for short, is absurd and it was practically made for PUNKs as well. As long as your LP is Lower or Equal to your opponent, PEP becomes unaffected by all of your opponent’s activated effects. It’s a towers, that also has 2 more effects. You can Pay 1000 LP, target 1 Monster your control and 1 card your opponent controls in order to banish them. PEP itself makes it easier to have it stay unaffected while also removing any card that you want off the opponent’s field… assuming that card can be targeted. It can even make itself technically immune to Loading... and other big beatsticks as well with its third effect, wherein PEP increases his ATK by the difference between your and the opponent’s LP, permanently. This usually gains at least 3000 ATK as well in the average PUNK Deck.

PEP NOTES: Please keep in mind that PEP is only immune to activated effects. This makes it vulnerable against some very annoying cards, most notably Loading... ’s GY Effect, Loading... Continuous Effect to decrease ATK/DEF, and Loading... . Mirrorjade’s GY Effect activates when it leaves the field by your effect, and it triggers an effect to destroy all of the opponent’s monsters during the End Phase. This part is the activated effect, the Raigeki Effect is NOT the activated effect, which means Mirrorjade actually destroys PEP during the End Phase (is there a term for this type of effect btw? Is it Lingering?). Alternatively, Chengying and Skill Drain both have Continuous Lingering Effects, they just have to be on the field and their effects will work without activating them which leads to PEP not being immune to it.

Other Note: Loading... and other counter traps will not do anything against PEP.

Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit

Loading... is considered to be one of the more Meta-Reliant Handtraps. She can discard herself in response to an opponent’s card effect on Field in order to destroy that said card. In most metas, this effect is quite lacklustre. But in the right meta, Ghost Ogre shines and will be one of the bests to counter a deck. As of the current meta on February 16, 2023, Ghost Ogre is arguably a decent card to play in the Meta for countering Sprights, Swordsoul, and sometimes Runick if they don’t have Hugin.

I’m mentioning Ghost Ogre, because as I’ve previously said, Ghost Ogre is searchable by Loading... ’s effect, making it actually a Core One-of (or three-of) in the deck. Only in the right meta, however.

Psychic Wheeleder
Psychic Tracker

THE WHEELS!! Just like Ghost Ogre, Loading... and Loading... are both searchable by Dragon Drive’s effect. Tracker is better than Wheeleder in the deck due to it being a Non-Tuner to make a Level 6 Synchro. They aren’t core in most builds of the deck, but when you want to make Loading... or some other wacky Synchro, Tracker will be your man. Either will do if you just want a way to make an easy Rank 3 Xyz.

Viable Extra Deck Options


Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon

Loading... is what the PUNK Engine is known for. Its effect to essentially Mill 4 and add 1 Monster is godlike in any Chaos (Light/Dark) based strategies such as Dragon Link, or in decks that simply want to mill such as Zombies. Its GY Effect to bring itself back for extension is what pushes itself to the edge as one of the strongest Synchro Monsters ever made. Pair this with Deer Note’s effect to revive Foxy Tune and suddenly you can mill 4 more cards because of Loading... . Remember, Ze Amin = Mill 9 Cards.

Funny thing is, Chaos Ruler doesn’t make the cut in Pure PUNKS, as the deck doesn’t necessarily want to mill and doesn’t have any real good targets to add apart from the Level 8s and random Handtraps like Loading... or Loading... . Even that sounds decent but you would really prefer getting Dragon Drive in rotation over Chaos Ruler most of the time.

Immortal Dragon
Plaguespreader Zombie
Necroworld Banshee
Zombie World

Loading... is a little extension tool that can switch up the deck’s end boards if you don’t feel like bouncing 4 cards or making a 3500 ATK Towers. By sending a Zombie Monster from the deck to the GY, it modifies its Levels to become equal to the difference of its original Level and the sent Monster’s. Since it’s a Tuner itself, it can be Synchro’d off with Dragon Drive on Field to make another Synchro.

By sending Loading... , it modifies its Level to be Level 2. While also enabling you to activate Loading... from the deck due to Banshee’s GY Effect. With a Level 2 Tuner and a Level 8 Dragon Drive on the Field, you can now end on Loading... and Loading... instead of the usual End Board.

By sending Loading... , the Level becomes 4. Meaning you can make Loading... ... which is like a 3x worse version of Loading... ... It also leaves you with Plaguespreader’s GY Effect to summon itself from the GY, if you can summon another Level 8 (i.e. Summoning Ogre Dance with Extreme Session) you can end on Final Sigma and Baronne instead.

I don’t recommend it.

Naturia Beast
Naturia Barkion
Quillbolt Hedgehog

Starting this off, Loading... is a negate for Trap Cards that work by banishing 2 cards from your GY. It can be made with the usual Tracker and PUNK. Barkion’s cost and what it negates isn’t nearly as interesting as its counterpart though, with Loading... .

Loading... is a Level 5 Synchro that requires its materials to be EARTH Monsters, meaning we can’t traditionally make it in the deck. Unless we play and open with Loading... . Hedgehog is a Level 2 EARTH Non-Tuner that can special summon itself from the GY if you control a Tuner Monster, being the PUNKs. By discarding it with Foxy Tune’s effect, we can easily make Loading... with a Level 3 PUNK and itself. Naturia Beast is technically infinite negates for Spell Cards. By sending the top 2 cards of your deck to the GY, it negates any Spell Card your opponent activates. This is best to shut down a deck like Runick or Sky Striker.

Note that you HAVE to hard open Loading... as you need it to discard off of Foxy Tune. Unless you open with Loading... , in that case you can just Normal Summon it if you draw it off of Extreme Session. (Loading... also works as a Normal Summon to make Beast lmao)

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend

Loading... is an alright Level 8 Synchro for dismantling an opponent’s board of monsters. It destroys every special summoned effect monster with less or equal ATK than itself, including your own monsters. It also burns the opponent for 500 LP for each monster destroyed with this effect.

(it does not work against Normal Monsters and Normal Summoned Effect Monsters)

Adamancipator Risen - Dragite

Loading... is a well known Synchro for its Spell/Trap negate in WATER Decks. The negate is only active if there’s a WATER Monster in the grave, and thankfully Loading... fulfills this condition.

Oh uh, the first effect is only ever useful in the deck Dragite is actually supposed to be in, but there’s a very very rare chance that you might excavate a Loading... if you play it, and get a bounce for an opponent’s card.

Draco Berserker of the Tenyi

Loading... is a fantastic Synchro to make when going second due to both of its effects. Both having the effect to punish the opponent when they activate a monster effect, and gaining ATK and attacking twice when destroying an Effect Monster.

This is also a decent Synchro when going first because of the first effect, but it usually won’t be staying on the field because of how PUNK Combos turn out so…

PSY-Framelord Omega

Loading... , gotta be one the best Generic Rank 8s. Can be a Quick-Effect temporary Handrip to remove an opponent’s card in hand as interruption. Can return any banished card to the GY, which can mess with certain strategies like Methaphys but you would usually be using this to recycle your own banished cards. And the GY effect to return both itself and another card in the GY back to the deck, which can either be an interruption for the opponent, or resource recycling for yourself.

Is also the main Level 8 Synchro used for Loading... ’s effect.

Coral Dragon

Loading... is one of the Level 6 Synchros you can make with Loading... and a PUNK. It’s a Tuner itself, meaning you can’t make a Level 9 with it, however it does have an alright field effect in which you discard a card in order to target and destroy 1 card on the opponent’s field. Also has the GY Effect to draw a card when sent from the Field to the GY.

Virtual World Beast - Jiujiu

Loading... is a Level 6 Synchro that has effects that work if you have 2 or more monsters in the GY with the same original Type and Attribute. If you can fulfil the effects, it becomes immune to Battle and Card Destruction. You can also banish 2 monsters with the same Type and Attribute from the GY in order to target and send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY.

The PUNKs and Loading... very easily fulfil these effects.

Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen

Loading... is a Level 9 Synchro Monster than can be made with either 2 PUNKs and a Loading... , or a Level 6 Synchro and a PUNK.

On field, Shenshen is a Floodgate that makes it so every card sent from the Field gets banished instead. It also has an effect that activates when you declare an attack with any monster in which you return a banished monster to the GY. And has the recurring GY effect to bring itself back to the Field.

Baronne de Fleur

Loading... is a One Use Omni-Negate on a Level 10 Synchro. While also having an activatable effect to destroy a card on field, and another one to shuffle itself back from Field to the Extra Deck in order to Special Summon any 1 Monster from your GY.

This can be made in PUNKs through the aforementioned Loading... . And if you’re playing a Going Second build, can also be made with a Level 3 PUNK and Loading... . And in the future, Loading... will enable it to be made much more easier.

Geomathmech Final Sigma

It’s a Level 12 Synchro Monster with 3k ATK that can become an unaffected Monster while in the Extra Monster Zone. No other effects in decks that aren’t Mathmech.

Can be made with Loading... .

Please, on god, dont play this in the deck. We already have Loading... .


The Phantom Knights of Break Sword

Loading... is a Rank 3 that can target and destroy a card you control and 1 card your opponent controls. A simple effect that can help in breaking boards for Going Second or for Turn 3 and onwards. Ignore the second effect unless you’re actually playing Phantom Knights.

Number 3: Cicada King

When a Monster on the field activates its effect, you can detach a material from Loading... in order to target and negate the Monster. Afterwards you can give an Insect Monster 500 DEF or change its battle position. The Insect you’ll be using this effect on will be Cicada King himself, as it makes him either more Defensive or gives you the opportunity to activate his other effect to Special Summon an Insect (Loading... ) from your Hand or GY which you can use as Link Material… or a Material for Loading... .

Number 49: Fortune Tune
Number 47: Nightmare Shark
Humhumming the Key Djinn

The Zeus Enablers. Pick your poison, you can either attack directly with Loading... or Loading... , or you can stay safe with Loading... .

It’s worth noting that Fortune Tune can also infinitely recycle both itself, and 2 Level 3 Monsters from your GY. This can very rarely come up, but it’s decent for when you want to stall indefinitely and win against the opponent in attrition.

Leviair the Sea Dragon

Loading... can Special Summon a Banished Level 4 or Lower Monster from your Banished Pile. That’s about it, useful for getting back a Ze Amin after banishing it with Extreme Session I guess. Gets more useful in Phantom Knights Builds though.

Wind-Up Zenmaines

Loading... , what is this, 2013? An alright defensive Rank 3, able to protect itself from destruction by detaching a material while also targeting and destroying a card during the end phase if it protected itself that turn.

The Zombie Vampire

Loading... , part 2 of the Mill 9 Engine. After summoning Chaos Ruler, this is usually the Rank 8 you’ll make with the help of Deer Note. Let’s honestly just ignore the first 2 sentences and skip straight to the point. By detaching a material, you get to send the top 4 cards of both player’s decks to the GY. If any of the milled cards were monsters, you can Special Summon any of them, including the Monsters you’ve milled from your opponent. It mills 4, can potentially disrupt your opponent, and even summons an additional Monster as extension. The perfect pairing with Chaos Ruler.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon

The Galaxy Rank 8 Package. Names too long, gotta go fast. Cipher Dragon is the bridge to make the others. You’ll overlay Cipher Dragon for Full Armor Dragon which has 4k ATK, can destroy a face-up card, and can overlay for Cipher Blade Dragon. Cipher Blade Dragon has 3200 ATK and has the effect to destroy any card on the field, can’t be used as Xyz Material however so overlay this after using Full Armor.

tl;dr: Good going second tech to destroy 2 cards and get a big body.

Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy

Loading... is a Rank 8 Spell Negate (and only Spells, no Traps). Has 2 other effects, one which is a Battle Phase effect to redirect attacks to itself, and the other an ATK Gain effect when another Xyz Monster you control is destroyed.

You’ll either summon this normally by overlaying 2 Level 8s, or you can summon it with Loading... if you’re playing the Numeron Dragon OTK Package.

Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord

Loading... is the Monster Negate counterpart of Hope Harbinger. Its other effects sadly won’t be active since you won’t have a Photon or Galaxy Card to it as Material. Without a Galaxy Card, the Monster Negate won’t destroy the Monster you negated, which can be crucial in some match-ups. Its second effect will also most likely not activate, as you won’t likely have a Photon or Galaxy Card in the deck, unless you’re willing to play Loading... as a pseudo brick for the card.

Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison

Loading... is a Rank 8 Graveyard Hate tool. It gains 100 ATK and DEF for every Monster in the GY, and once per turn, you can detach a material in order to make it indestructible by card effects and to make it so neither player can Special Summon from the GY.

A worse version of Loading... , with its only upside being the potentially large body it provides.

Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star

Loading... is a Rank 8 that can Non-Target Send a card from the opponent’s field to the GY on its summon. It also has a very unique protection effect, where it can detach a material from itself to prevent the destruction of any card on your field.

Number 97: Draglubion
Number 100: Numeron Dragon

Loading... and Loading... are the 2 blowout pieces in the Extra Deck. If the opponent’s board is empty, or if they have a 1k ATK Monster on the field in attack position, Numeron Dragon can easily OTK for 9k Damage with its effect.

Draglubion is a Rank 8 that can summon Numeron Dragon, or another Dragon “Number” Monster such as Hope Harbinger, by detaching a material from itself and taking 2 Dragon Numbers from your Extra Deck. Note that there has to be 2 viable targets for this to work, if you’re planning on playing Draglubion, Loading... and Loading... will be your best targets. (Loading... is a good F2P Option instead of Hope Harbinger if you don’t have it)

Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Downerd Magician

Loading... is the God of all Extra Deck Xyz Toolboxes. Zeus is a Rank 12 that is very hard to make traditionally (unless you’re an Earth Machine player) and relies on its special summoning requirements to be made in about 98% of games where it's played. During your Main Phase 2, if an Xyz Monster battled this turn, you can overlay Zeus on top of any Xyz Monster you currently control and Zeus gains its material. Zeus has its signature Not Once per Turn and Not Once per Chain Quick-Effect to send EVERY other card on the field to the GY. And Zeus can do this for as many times as it wants, as long as it has 2 Materials to detach. Simply just a free Board Wipe by making any Xyz Monster and battling with it.

Loading... enables you to make a Zeus with 3-4 Material. During your Main Phase 2, you can overlay Downerd to any Rank 3 or lower Xyz Monster you control. She’s basically a vanilla on field and has no real effect but to make Zeus have more material. She usually pairs with the Rank 3s I’ve previously listed such as Loading... .

Ghostrick Shot
Ghostrick Alucard
2 copies
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Number F0: Utopic Future
Number F0: Utopic Draco Future

THE GHOSTRICK PACKAGE. A package popularised by MBT, the Yugitubing Funny Man. Although it takes up 5 spaces in the Extra Deck, and requires a Brick in the Main, any 2 Level 3 Monsters can turn into a Powerful Monster Negating Boss Monster that is Loading... .

By overlaying into Loading... with 2 PUNKs, you can rank up into Loading... . With Mischief’s effect, detach Alucard and add Loading... from Deck to Hand. Shot will bring back Alucard from the GY, and Alucard will be able to overlay into another Angel of Mischief. With 2 Rank 4s on the board, you’re able to make Loading... in order to Rank Up into Loading... .

It’s a funny combo that I wouldn’t recommend per se. Having to play Loading... in the Main Deck makes it a bit of a bricky combo, and you will rarely be going into it anyway. But the pay off for UDF is nice, getting 3 Monster Negates that also steal the opponent’s monster is quite the feat.

Salamangreat Almiraj

Loading... can be made with any Normal Summoned Monster with 1000 or less ATK. It has the Quick-Effect to tribute itself and make another Monster on your field indestructible for the turn. It even has a nice way of reviving itself back from the GY. If a Normal Summoned Monster on your field is destroyed by battle, it can bring itself back.

Decent effects, but all in all, its utility lies in getting to put a Monster in the GY. Most notably, Loading... becomes a semi-starter with Almiraj. You can Normal Summon Wa Gon, pay 600 to add Extreme Session, and Link into Almiraj in order to get Wa Gon in the GY to make Extreme Session’s effect live.

Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Unicorn
Accesscode Talker

Good Ol’ Reliable. Don't know what to put in your Extra Deck? these guys have your back.

The Knightmares as sources of removal, with Loading... being a Link-2 with the effect of destroying a Spell/Trap the opponent controls at the cost of discarding a card on summon. And Loading... being a Link 3 that Shuffles an opponent’s card back into the Deck by discarding a card on summon.

Loading... being the Boss Monster of every archetype in the game that doesn’t have Xenolocks. Being a Link 4 that can destroy 1-3 cards depending on the Different Attributes of your Links in the GY. And having either 4300 or 5300 ATK depending on the Link Rating of the Monster used for its summon. Everyone knows this guy as the… zzzzz…..

Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable

The Charmer Links are known for stealing the opponent’s monsters. In this deck specifically, we play Loading... as they’re the attributes we widely have access with in PUNKS. Although, there’s barely any good EARTH Monsters we can “permanently” steal, we can take an opponent’s Loading... to then link up into Loading... and eventually Loading... for an easier finishing move.

We can of course also play the other Elemental Charmer Links, but it will depend on how your deck is built. Loading... is usually ran in most lists as Ogre Dance, Loading... , or another Extra Deck Monster can make it.

I:P Masquerena

You can never go wrong with Loading... . Any 2 Non-Links can make her, and it will usually always represent some sort of interruption/wall for the opponent if you have at least 1 other monster on the field.

Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

Loading... is a gal that can come in clutch against some decks. It’s a Link-5 that requires 4 Effect Monsters to make, but it comes with the upside of you being able to use an opponent’s monster as material. As she is a summoning requirement, it will bypass any and all protection that that monster had. Loading... , Loading... made with an Loading... , or even an opposing Loading... will all crumble if you’re able to summon 3-4 Monsters.

She even has excellent effects on the field. She can negate all of the opponent’s monsters on summon, she herself is a “Towers-like” Monster, and she can even negate effects that Special Summon from the GY!


Super Polymerization
Mudragon of the Swamp
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
Predaplant Dragostapelia
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life

Loading... has always been a bit of a problematic card. At the cost of a discard, it can effectively remove 2(or more) monsters on your opponent’s field without even giving them the chance to respond to the activation. Of course you will need Fusion Targets for it, and here I have listed all of the more relevant ones.

Loading... has not been released at the time of this writing. But it will completely push Super Poly to being a busted staple in terms of going second. Really easy to fulfil fusion requirements, you get to draw a card if it’s sent to the GY, and can even help in pushing for Lethal. This card was made for Super Poly.

If you’re still seeing Cyberse Decks, you might also want to consider Loading... , although Garura will fill in that spot just fine, if it comes out.

Nemeses Corridor
Thunder Dragon Colossus

Loading... is a Loading... on legs that also just happens to have protection. Locking out the opponent from adding cards from their deck to the hand, which is relevant in the current meta as it stops Spright, Branded Despia, Mathmech, Rikkas, and Exosisters from achieving their main goals. Colossus can be made by tributing 1 Thunder Monster you control, if you’ve activated a Thunder Monster’s Effect in Hand this turn. This seems a bit hard to pull off, but there’s one card that makes this a breeze to summon.

Loading... is a Thunder Monster that can Special Summon itself from the Hand by targeting and shuffling back a Banished Monster in your Banish Pile. This fills both of Colossus’ Summon Requirements. It activates from Hand, and it gives you a Thunder to tribute. The Main PUNK Combo Lines will require you to Banish a Card for Loading... ’s effect, so it can fit in just well with the deck. You can even draw it with Extreme Session during the combo!

Main Deck Techs

Handtrap Line-Up
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Maxx "C"
Effect Veiler
Droll & Lock Bird
D.D. Crow
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
Nibiru, the Primal Being
PSY-Framegear Gamma
Power Spells
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
Triple Tactics Talent
Forbidden Droplet
Harpie's Feather Duster
Cosmic Cyclone
Dark Hole
Pot of Prosperity
Pot of Desires
Anti-Spell Fragrance

Uhh yeah, this is one of the decks that can’t really play any of the good generic Floodgates like Loading... or Loading... . I said good btw, you can’t argue that we can play Loading... or Loading... .

Going Second
Evenly Matched
Dark Ruler No More
Lightning Storm
Change of Heart
Mind Control
Dinowrestler Pankratops
Alpha, the Master of Beasts
Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
Danger! Bigfoot!
Red Reboot

Being real with this one, I don't think I need to explain why these cards are good anymore. Come on, it's been a year. I will, instead, show off some of the more impactful techs for the deck.

Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher

Loading... is a Level 8 Monster that can Special Summon itself on a Quick-Effect from the Hand or the GY by banishing the top 8 cards of your deck face-down. So basically, just a free extender. Another Level 8 Body on board surprisingly does a lot for the deck as it creates better end boards and makes the deck more flexible and resilient to interruption. In the Standard PUNK Combo, your endboard will usually have 2 Level 3s and 1 Level 8. The Level 8 and the Level 3 Sharakusai is usually the only important part of this board, so with Orochi you can make use of the other Level 3 on board to make PEP or Loading... . If you get interrupted by something like Loading... on Deer Note’s target, you can summon Orochi to make up for that loss.

Of course, Orochi also has an on-field effect. On a Hard Once Per Turn, you can banish 3 cards from your Extra-Deck face-down in order to target and destroy 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. However, you can’t use this effect on the same turn you use Orochi’s first effect, as it has the clause that you can only use 1 of its effects per turn. Going second, you can summon Orochi during the opponent’s End Phase, and on your turn you can use the second effect to remove one of their monsters, this can bait out their interruptions which makes Orochi trade 1 for 1 with the opponent.

Overall, Orochi is just a good card in PUNK. It’s not necessary to be run, but it could definitely help out in some matchups. Just be sure to not use his first effect too much if you’re against Runick! You might deck yourself out! Also, you might be scared to use Orochi due to what I call the “Desires Effect”, wherein Orochi might banish the most important cards of your deck, i.e. 2 Deer Notes. This is totally fine and is a normal thing to fear, don’t worry.

PSY-Framegear Gamma
PSY-Frame Driver
PSY-Framelord Lambda
PSY-Framelord Omega

The PSY-Frames are a group of Psychic Monsters well-known for the utility of their monsters.

Loading... is probably the most well-known in its group. A Level 2 Tuner Handtrap that can negate any Monster Effect is huge! Not only that, but it also summons a Level 6, which means Gamma is a Level 8 Synchro on its own. But it does come with the downside, that you cannot use this effect if you control a Monster on the Field, and you have to be playing a Level 6 Vanilla Loading... for the effect to work.. Quite usually, Gamma is regarded as a Handtrap made for going second, as the fact that it also destroys the monster it negates can help in shutting down most decks’ combos, but the fact you can’t use it going first makes it quite horrendous to run for combo decks. But in decks like PUNK, it also has its other utility.

PUNK has 3 cards that they want to activate from the Hand, and sometimes you have to start with these cards for your combo. Starting with Loading... , Ogre Dance, or Foxy Tune will give the opponent time to respond with a card like Loading... or Loading... . Because you don’t have a Monster on Field yet, Gamma can safely negate these Handtraps, keeping you safe while also giving you basically another Level 8 Synchro whether it be Loading... or the PSY-Frame Synchro. The flexibility of Gamma in a deck like PUNKs is just absurd.

Regarding the other 2 PSY-Frames listed:

Loading... is a Link 2 that enables activating your PSY-Frame Handtraps from the hand even if you control a Monster. It could be an option to end on if you have Gamma and 2 other Monsters on Board that aren’t Sharakusai and a Level 8.

Loading... I’ve already explained up top. But it’s usually one of the best Synchros to make with Gamma and Driver.

Unreleased Techs

Kashtira Fenrir

Did Loading... finally get powercrept? Loading... is a Level 7 that can Special Summon itself from the hand if you don’t control a monster. This reason alone can make it playable in the deck, as it can provide a body to make Loading... with one of the PUNKS. But of course, since it’s a Lore card, it has to also have a good effect. It can add more copies of itself, allowing you to thin the deck. And it also banishes an opponent’s face-up card face-down if they just so happen to activate any Monster Effect.

Bystial Magnamhut
Bystial Druiswurm

The cards that were designed to counter the meta. The Bystials are basically Dragon-type Handtraps that banish a Light/Dark Monster from either GY in order to Special Summon themselves. Could be a better, or worse, Loading... depending on the Meta and how you see them as. These cards were made to hate on Chaos Type Decks, keeping decks like Evil Twin and Mathmech out of getting tiered. Funnily, it only slows down the decks it was made to counter in Meta, as Sprights, Branded, and Tearlaments have enough gas to ignore the Bystials in most of tturns.

And of course, they have On-Field/GY effects as well! Loading... adding ANY Dragon from Deck to Hand during the End Phase of the turn it was summoned, which usually adds another Bystial. And Loading... sending an opponent’s Special Summoned Monster from the Field to the GY if it’s sent from Field to GY itself.

Them Being Level 6 is a bit awkward for the deck, but it does allow you to summon Loading... or Loading... /Loading... with the PUNKS.

Oh, what are Tearlaments you may ask? Don't worry, you'll find out soon :)

Other Generic Extenders

You get access to way more Levels of Synchros with these guys. But the best Generic Extender for the archetype will always be Orochi and the Wheels (and Fenrir when they release).

Illusion of Chaos
Magicians' Souls
Astral Kuriboh
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Weeping Idol
Nemeses Flag
Gallis the Star Beast
Danger!? Jackalope?
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
Garbage Lord
Red Hared Hasty Horse
Destiny HERO - Malicious
Apprentice Illusion Magician
Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda
Danger! Nessie!
The Ascended of Thunder
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted

There are like, a lot more but I'm too tired to list them all :)

  • Loading... provides the deck with a way to make Loading... , while also having the ability to send off Extreme Session in exchange for a card.
  • Loading... and Loading... both have the upside of reducing your LP to make Loading... much more threatening.
  • Loading... can act as another Board Breaker for Going Second if you play Loading... to provide for Vishuda’s activation requirement.
  • The Dangers are just good, just pray you don’t get sniped!

Pure PUNK Core

21 cards
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
Psychic End Punisher

PUNK Mill 9 Engine Core

7 cards
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon
The Zombie Vampire
Side Deck
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp


Loading... and Loading... are interchangeable, play which one you like better. As I explained before, Gabu is better in a Monster Based Meta like Branded or Spright or if you want to pass on Loading... . And Nashiwari is better if you want to pass on Sharakusai Amazing Dragon and in Backrow Based Meta like Runick or Labrynth. You can play both if you want!

On this note, be sure to remember this one crucial thing. In an engine that aims to turbo out a Level 8 Synchro, Foxy Tune CANNOT be the play starter, and is strictly an extender in these builds. Starting out by using Foxy Tune Special Summoning Ze Amin from the deck will only result in 2 Level 3s, as you can’t summon Deer Note from the Hand without another PUNK Card to reveal. Foxy Tune is only a starter if you have Sharakusai and Rising Carp in your Main Deck and Extra Deck.

Pure PUNK List by
40 cards
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Effect Veiler
2 copies
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
Nibiru, the Primal Being
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
2 copies
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
3 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
Psychic End Punisher
Adamancipator Risen - Dragite
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi
Number 49: Fortune Tune
Number 3: Cicada King
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Salamangreat Almiraj
I:P Masquerena
Knightmare Unicorn
Blind Second PUNK List by
43 cards
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
2 copies
Maxx "C"
2 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Dark Hole
Harpie's Feather Duster
3 copies
Dark Ruler No More
2 copies
Lightning Storm
3 copies
Evenly Matched
3 copies
Forbidden Droplet
2 copies
Cosmic Cyclone
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
2 copies
Psychic End Punisher
Adamancipator Risen - Dragite
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi
Number 49: Fortune Tune
Downerd Magician
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Knightmare Phoenix
Spright Elf
Top 16 MCS PUNK List by
41 cards
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
Illusion of Chaos
2 copies
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Maxx "C"
PSY-Frame Driver
2 copies
PSY-Framegear Gamma
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
Infinite Impermanence
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Dangerous Gabu
Herald of the Arc Light
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi
Baronne De Fleur
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
Downerd Magician
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
Psychic End Punisher
My personal list
40 cards
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
3 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
2 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
3 copies
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
2 copies
Emergency Teleport
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
3 copies
Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher
Quillbolt Hedgehog
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Dangerous Gabu
3 copies
Maxx "C"
Harpie's Feather Duster
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
2 copies
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
2 copies
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
Psychic End Punisher
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
Number 97: Draglubion
Number 100: Numeron Dragon
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon
Naturia Beast

Before getting started, be sure to check out Tune World on YouTube! Their channel holds a lot of knowledge on the deck, and is primarily the source of some of the guide's contents!

> Tune World YT <

I won’t be listing all of the combos here, so it’s best if you check out the Document for every combo you want to perceive.

Legend: Loading... represents any card to discard, and Loading... represents Drawing 1 Card

Combo 1: Loading... / Loading... + 1 Discard Fodder

Opening Hand

Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Toon World
Emergency Teleport
Toon World

End Board

Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
Upstart Goblin
  1. Normal Summon Loading... , activate effect and add Loading... 2.Foxy Tune Effect, send for cost, send another card from hand to GY in order to summon Loading... from Deck.
  2. Sharakusai Effect, Fusion summon Loading... using Ze Amin and Himself.
  3. Rising Carp Effect, tribute itself to summon Loading... and Loading... from the Deck.
  4. Wa Gon Effect, add Loading... and activate it/put it on Field.
  5. Synchro Summon Loading... with Wa Gon and Deer Note.
  6. Dragon Drive Effect CL1, Deer Note CL2; Add Loading... and Special Summon Sharakusai from GY.
  7. Extreme Session Effect, draw 1
  8. Extreme Session Effect, banish Deer Note from GY and Summon Madame Spider from Hand.
  9. Madame Spider Effect, add either Loading... or Loading... from Deck to Hand.
  10. Set the added trap.
  11. Choose between Passing Turn to make use of Sharakusai’s Quick-Effect, or Synchro Summoning PEP with Dragon Drive and Madame Spider.

This board, on its own, should represent 1 or 2 forms of interruption. The Trap you added will be the consistent interruption in this board, representing either a way to Destroy a Card or to Negate a Monster. If you choose to pass on Dragon Drive and Sharakusai, it also represents 1-4 Bounces on Amazing Dragon’s summon, otherwise you get a Towers with PEP as you have 5000 LP after the comb

Combo 2:

Combo 3:

Combo 4:

Combo 5:

Explaining the PUNK Engine’s Combo

Written by


Emergency Teleport
Toon World
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Toon World
  1. Activate Loading... .
  2. Special Summon Loading... .
  3. Activate Loading... ’s effect to pay 600 Life Points and add Loading... from your deck to your hand.
  4. Activate Loading... ’s effect to send itself and your Loading... from your hand to the graveyard to special summon Loading... .
  5. Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... as Material.
  6. Activate Loading... ’s on summon effect to send 5 cards from your deck to the graveyard, adding 1 light or dark attribute card of your choice to your hand.
  7. Activate Loading... ’s effect in grave to special summon Loading... from the graveyard.
  8. XYZ summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... as materials.
  9. Activate Loading... ’s effect by detaching Loading... for cost, to send the top 4 cards of each player’s deck to the graveyard. You may special summon a milled monster of your choosing.

This combo should get you a total of:

  • A monster added to hand
  • 4 mills off of Chaos Ruler’s excavate
  • An additional 4 mills with Zombie Vampire, can potentially mess up the opponent’s deck
  • A body summoned off of Zombie Vampire

This effectively translates into Milling 9 Cards with a single Ze Amin, which boosts you up a huge amount in advantage if you’re playing any deck that wants to have their cards in the GY.

Zombie Write-up written by

Check out his Zombie World Guide here) if you’re interested in the Zombs!

The P.U.N.K. engine can help provide additional bodies as well as enable exceptional milling potential to allow us to extend from graveyard. As the primary strength of running this engine lies in being able to setup extensive milling, this package can find great synergy with Ishizu card support as when those cards are sent from the hand or deck to the graveyard they can be activated to trigger the additional sending of cards from the deck to the graveyard. Loading... ’s primary target being Loading... enables executing the P.U.N.K. comboline without using your normal summon, which means you can then normal summon something like Loading... or Loading... from hand in the same turn for further play extension. Mixed with a small Danger engine, PUNKs stand out as a very strong synchro addition to Zombies even without Loading... . The tuners, level 8s, and discard requirements help setup many options of play within the Zombie World strategy. Some of these packages can even opt to run Loading... and Loading... to allow an extra monster negate for first turn board building.

Main Deck:

5 cards
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
2 copies
Emergency Teleport

Extra Deck:

2 cards
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon
The Zombie Vampire

  • Thunder Dragon
  • Virtual World
  • Libromancers
  • Dinomorphia
  • Phantom Knights
  • Gold Pride(TCG)
  • Bonus: FTK Bishbaalkin



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