Let the Theater Show Begin! - Introduction

Ladies and gentlemen, experience the entertainment that only the world of darkness can offer with the rich characters of the theater kids, who enrapture us all with their ad libs! I'm your host

and welcome to Sylvio Sawatari's stopping performance, Oh Yes! Now, please sit back and relax and enjoy the show!

The Demon World Troupe - What are Abyss Actor?

Abyss Actor, or 魔界劇団 (Makai Gekidan), are a series of DARK Fiend Pendulum and Link monsters that are based on theatrical actors and performers, and each of their names is based on a role in a theatrical play. In addition, they have a sub-theme of Spell Cards called "Abyss Script" that helps them learn their play. They were used in the ARC-V anime by Sylvio Sawatari halfway through the series. The archetype was introduced in the OCG in Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (2016) and has gotten three waves of support throughout the years. In Master Duel, they have their own dedicated secret pack called The Darkness Amuses.

Knowing their Role - Strategy and Playstyle

Their biggest strength comes from their ability to start their play with any Abyss actor, resulting in them swarming the field quickly. Their gimmicks are to steal the opponent's monster, mass-pop the field, and force the opponents to do certain actions in order to achieve certain conditions. This deck's Pendulum prowess separates it from other common Pendulum strategies, making it a unique Pendulum deck. With a low ceiling, it can be a good pick-up for new players who want to try out a Pendulum deck. Unfortunately, however, our strategy doesn't mix well with other archetypes, with our cards notoriously having integrated locks.

When it comes to their combos, they have a 1-card combo in the form of Loading... . With it, this can achieve an Loading... with two Pendulum Summoned Abyss Actors in the Main Monster Zone, with Loading... set in the Pendulum Zone providing protection or disruption, in addition to any Abyss Script set on your field. While not impressive at first glance, this board is very reactive to what the opponents might do.

Furthermore, this deck has an explosive 1-turn play that comes from the opening Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... . This combo can achieve a strong board by summoning a 3-material Loading... together with a Loading... plus a Loading... on the field.

Light up the Stage! It's Showtime!