In-Depth Armed Dragon Guide
Hello, and welcome to the In-Depth Armed Dragon Thunder guide by
. Armed Dragon Thunder is a series of "Level" monsters that all have the same effect, where, they can send a monster from the hand to the GY to tag into the next step of the cycle, LV3 goes into LV5, LV5 into LV7 and lastly LV7 into LV10. If they are sent to the GY to activate a "dragon" monster's effect, they all get a little bonus effect. Loading... will draw a card, Loading... will add a level 5 or higher WIND Dragon from your deck to the hand, and Loading... allows you to add an "Armed Dragon" card from your deck to the hand. The main purpose of this deck is to get 2 level 7 monsters on the field in order to go into the heart and the soul of the deck, Loading... .Main Deck Core
Pile Armed Dragon x3
Pile Armed Dragon is the main starter card of the deck. You can simply send one WIND Dragon or a Lvl 7 or higher dragon monster to the GY in order to special summon this card from the hand, then use its effect to send the Loading... from the deck to the GY (as a cost), then activate the LV5 to search for the Loading... . Tempest will then banish the LV5 and the monster sent with the Pile Armed, to special summon itself, giving you the two level 7 monsters on the field for Loading... . One thing to note here is the "downside" of the second effect, if you use it only ONE monster can attack for the rest of this turn. So, if you are going for an OTK or want to attack multiple monsters, postpone this effect until mp2.
Armed Dragon Thunder LV3 x3
Armed Dragon Thunder LV3 is both a starter and an extender. In the scenario where you already have a way to summon 2 level 7 monsters without searching for tempest. LV3 is a good card to send off of Loading... just to draw a card. Preferably a hand trap.
Armed Dragon Thunder LV5 x2-3
Armed Dragon Thunder LV5 is a crucial part of the deck, used to level up into the Loading... . More commonly used to search for the Loading... . In the off chance that you already have a Tempest on the field, LV5 can add another great extender Loading... . Also a very funny interaction this card has, is a tribute summon over something like Loading... , given to you by your opponent.
Armed Dragon Thunder LV7 x3
Armed Dragon Thunder LV7 another crucial part of the deck. This is the card you want to draw and use with either Loading... or Loading... . It can search for pretty much anything, most commonly an Loading... . This gives you an extra body for later plays after Tomahawks resolution. If you are playing a version that uses Loading... , Armed Dragon Thunder LV7 is the main card you need to in order to bring it out.
Armed Dragon Flash x1-3
Same as Loading... , is both a starter and an extender, you can play this card at 3 but only 1 is needed for the full combo. It can be searched for by Loading... and is mostly used to bring out an extra material for Loading... or Loading... . If you are in a situation where all of your LV3 are used, it becomes a dead card, and you never wanna draw 2 copies on your first turn. Playing it at 1 also gives you more room for other stuff.
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts X2-3
Definitely a part of the "must have" cards. It gives you Tempest without using the effect, and also triggers the Armed Dragons on discard. You can even normal summon it as an extra material, when you don't have a way to get Loading... .
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms x3
Second most important card of the deck. All 3 effects come up and are really good. First one obviously to special summon, especially good if previously brought out by Loading... . The second effect can be full combo if paired up with Loading... or Loading... . You would send them both to the GY, then Tempest would search for a Dragon Ruler and one of the Armed Dragons would search for a Loading... . Third one depends on your hand, you can banish him from the GY with a different Dragon Ruler to search for a Loading... or any other WIND Dragon you might need in that situation.
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran x1
The best, simplest target to bring out with Loading... . With the level 3 token it can go into Loading... and then Cupid and the other token go into Loading... . If you draw into this guy fear not, since this deck rarely uses it's normal summon, you can pop the Loading... and one of the tokens, to then normal summon Warbluran and do the same combo play.
Nemeses Corridor x1
Searched by Loading... . It can return one of the previously banished monsters to the deck and special summon itself, this will meet the conditions and allow you to summon Loading... . It doesn't really have any other use, unless you don't wanna summon the Colossus and use him as a Tempest fodder, or normal summon it to attack over something.
Dragunity Arma Gram x1
This is a 2nd search target for Loading... . It is great going 2nd. It can be used as an extender for link summoning. Comes back every turn with Dragon Rulers, and can banish them if necessary for their effects.
Extra Deck Core
Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk x1-2
The most important card of the Deck. It summons a total of 5 tokens and can enable you to do pretty much anything. The only "downside" it has is that you cannot deal damage after you use it's effect, but since you are doing it on the first turn 99% of the time, you don't really care. It's just something to be mindful of if you go second and you use it in mp1. 1 Galaxy Tomahawk is enough to do the whole combo, but if you pulled the second copy from the legacy packs, you can play 2. The second one can come up if you get interrupted, but your hand would have to be very specific to bring out 2 on the same turn. I don't recommend crafting the second if you don't have it.
Link Spider x1
Pretty self explanatory, you use one of the many tokens to get an effect monster on the field for further plays. 1 copy of this card is absolutely necessary for the first turn combo in the DPE/Scythe version. The second copy while not necessary, can come up when you go second and you need extra "effect monsters" to make Loading... or Loading... .
I:P Masquerena x1
Since we use a lot of tokens, this is the best Link-2 generic card to make. It can be used to make an indestructible, 3 material Loading... on the first turn. Or, when paired with a link spider, it can go into a Loading... on your opponents turn.
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess x1
With Tomahawk providing so many tokens, it is incredibly easy to make a 3 material, or even 4 material Apollousa. The monster negates come in really handy if your opponent chains a quick monster effect to your Loading... .
Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon x1
Haven't seen this guy in a long time, luckily, Tomahawk is here to replace Loading... . One thing to note is that Auroradon prevents you from further link summoning, so you wanna link summon him last. Tribute itself and the token for Loading... or Loading... , depending on the version of your deck. If you draw into one of the mentioned garnets, Auroradon can pop itself and the token to make room, so you can normal summon the garnet and proceed with the combo.
Cupid Pitch x1
One of the best level 4 synchros to go into with Warbluran. It gives you an easy access to Loading... , and it searches for a Loading... . Also in some situations you might decrease its level to make Loading... with one of the rulers.
Borreload Savage Dragon x1
I mean do I really have to say anything? A free omni-negate through auroradon, generic, handsome, should I continue?. But all jokes aside, there are situations where you can use Loading... and Loading... to make it when going second. Even a normal summon Warbluran + any level 7 is viable.
Thunder Dragon Colossus x1
One of the few "respectable" floodgates. Loading... makes it so easily that it's wrong not to play it. All I gotta say is good luck to your opponent with this bad boy out.
Knightmare Unicorn x1
Generic link-3, alternative for when you cannot make an Apollousa turn 1. You can leave the Loading... and Loading... on the field to go into Unicorn on your opponents turn. It's basically an extra interruption and comes up mostly going second.
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack x1
This card is just incredible. Basically a Tomahawk but going 2nd. If you have enough material to make 2 rank 7s, making Dracossack first to bait/force negates before making Tomahawk is very important. Also If they interrupt Tomahawk turn 1, and you are able to make another rank 7, Dracossack alone can provide enough material for Auroradon.
Dragon Rulers
Each Dragon Ruler has it's own "Attribute package". I don't recommend playing them all at the same time because there is a such thing as "too much engine". You can play 3 at the same time and go for like 45-50 card deck. The only time you play all 4 is in 60 card builds. Keep in mind that the "package" cards are optional and you can play however many you see fit.
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Tempest is core, run it at 3. I'm just gonna include some cards to run alongside Tempest aka the "WIND package".
Loading... and Loading... great addition to the lvl 7 spam. Guarantees at least 2 rank 7s in one turn and baits hand-traps like crazy.
Loading... Great hand-trap depending on the meta.
Loading... This card is pretty much core, just run 1, search it with Tempest and normal summon it. Make Branded players cry (They don't have an out).