
In the beginning of time, Konami created Yubel and Tearlaments.

And Yubel was without grace, and broken; and Branded Despia was upon the face of the deep.

And the Konami intern moved upon the face of the waters.

And he said, "Let there be Ghoti": and there was Ghoti.

Hey there, welcome to the Loading... that is the Master Duel Ranked Ladder! I'm your friendly guide,

and I'll teach you how to take your fishies to swim against the meta currents and master the art of Competitive Ghoti for the upcoming Duelist Cup!

This guide focuses mainly on Combo/Nimble Ghoti and its Grass variant, which I managed to reach Master 1 with. You can find other variants of Ghoti in this awesome guide here.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why should I play Combo/Nimble Ghoti?
  3. Ghoti: The denizens of the Deep!
  4. The other Fishes
  5. The other other... Fishes?
  6. That Space Look Deeper
  7. Combos, Techs, Tips and Decklist
  8. Conclusion

Why should I play Combo/Nimble Ghoti?

As we all know, Ghoti is notoriously bad at going second and is incapable of making big combo without using all of our resources at hand, resulting in less space for handtraps and non-engine. However, this is because:

  • Current popular builds only focus on making Arionpos with unoptimal extenders that doesn't provide further value off the field, making them extremely susceptible to opponent's disruption.
  • WATER locks hinders our deckbuilding capability, thus reduces our flexibility to go against opponent's board. Against meta decks with countless options, we wouldn't want to restrict ourselves (a rogue deck) even further. The more options we have, the better chance we win against them.

However, Ghoti archetype by its own is a very generic and splashable, having absolutely no lock at all. We utilize this advantage to build a powerful deck compiled of all the best options and Ghoti techs (Nimble, Tidal, Spright Sprind, Mirror Mage, Frog, Coelacanth, Grass) to make a consistent, 1 card combo enabled Ghoti deck, capable to go head-to-head against meta decks such as Yubel or Snake-Eye.

This guide will explain each of those cards, the combos, how to fight against handtraps/disruptions as well as general Ghoti tips against other meta decks. Let's start with our main characters...

Note before we start: There are two types of build you can go: Non-Coel build and Coel(Loading... ) build:

  • Coel build is more explosive, at the cost of lack of extra copies of important cards. The Normal Summon is exclusively saved for Coel.
  • Non-Coel build plays more grounded and is better for grindier games.

Ghoti: The denizens of the Deep!

The Deepest Depths has a rich ecosystem of many creatures, each with different sizes and roles in the circle of banishment. Their similarity is that they're all ✨✨ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS✨✨.