Notable Cards from the potential next sets.
Published on August 7th, 2022
Updated on August 7th, 2022
Credit to ImAmOnesie on reddit. Please show the post some love to the original post.
Battle of Chaos - Notable Generic Cards:
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
- The dark version of the Charmer links, mostly viable due to most boss monsters being dark-type. Really good in a meta with Loading... .
Illusion of Chaos
- Searches Loading... , while also shuffling himself back into the deck to provide a spellcaster for Loading... summon.
- Essentially makes Loading... a splash-able engine in most decks.
- Meta Deck: "B.A.S.E.D Pile" - Adventurer Artifact Souls Enforcer Dragon
Guardian Chimera
- Gives decks that can fusion summon (using spells) a powerful generic boss monster that simultaneously draws cards and destroys cards on the field while being untargetable if Loading... is in the graveyard.
- Will provide a MAJOR boost to Despia decks, as it can be summoned through their spellcard Loading... .
Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan
- Can banish a monster on opponent's special summon
- Can banish spell/trap on opponent's effect activation
- Burns for 1200 on both effects. A stable for any deck that can symmon level 10 monsters easily such as Adventure Rose Dragon.