Pure Predaplants - What if plants were freaky?

Yo! Predaplants are a mint deck that deserve some recognition so here's a guide on the leafy lads. My name is Silver and I’ve been piloting pure Predaplants over multiple seasons reaching Master 5 multiple times as well as Master 1 with the deck.

Predaplant is a unique fusion deck used by Yuri in the Arc-V anime where it proved to be quite a menace with its powerful boss monster Loading... . The decks power doesn’t particularly translate into actual real life play however, it’s still more than capable of stealing wins and overpowering your opponent.

Core Cards

  • Monsters
  • Spells
  • Traps
  • Extra Deck

Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio (x3)

This fella is one of our main starters being able to summon any predaplant monster from the deck. Keep in mind Scorpio must send a monster from your hand and it must go to the graveyard thus their effect won’t activate under effects that prevent cards reaching the graveyard e.g. Loading...

Predaplant Chlamydosundew (x3)

This lil guy is pretty neat. One of our main ways to fuse as well as break board's with its secret effect of fusing with any monster with a predacounter on it. Not only that but it also treats all monsters with a predacounter as dark when used for a fusion summon! However, like the tearlaments, he requires himself to be used as fusion materials so if he’s removed before resolution of his effect, nothing will be fusion summoned.

Lonefire Blossom (x3)

The honorary predaplant monster being able to summon any predaplant monster from the deck. Also is a great extender if you have access to your pendulum scales as well as its effect only being a soft once per turn meaning you can activate multiples of this card. Lonefire also acts as a great ash blossom or imperm/veiler bait if you have Loading... already in hand. Normally played at 3 to maximise consistency.

Predaplant Byblisp (x3)

Where do I even start this geeza is awesome. Sending Byblisp to the grave from anywhere even by cost results in him searching any predaplant monster. An overall great card that helps us see any monster in the deck as well as mitigating rescource intensive effects such as Loading... . It doesn’t stop there though he can even summon himself from the graveyard if a predacounter is present on either field giving us extra fusion fodder but banishes itself if it leaves the field.

Predaplant Sarraceniant (x1-2)

This dude is a lot like Loading... however he has the ability to search any predap card not just monsters. The crutch however is he has to leave the field and it has to be by card effect or battle. Furthermore, if leaving by card effect it has to be sent to the graveyard to activate. (If destroyed by battle and banished it will still search.) This guy has a plethora of hidden effects though the first being a battle trap summoning itself from the hand when your opponent declares a direct attack which is not once per turn as well as destroying any monster that battles it which again is not once per turn. Only reason we don’t run 3 is due to requiring setup to get its search effect.

Predaplant Darlington Cobra (x1)

This guy loves to be in your hand so get used to it! If however he’s feeling shy and is in your deck then he can be summoned via Loading... or Loading... to once per duel search any polymerization or fusion spell. The caveat is he has to be summoned by the effect of a predaplant monster to gain this effect and there is no predaplant monster aside from Loading... who can summon him from the hand or gy making him a hard brick if drawn. Drawing Cobra does reduce the power of our endboard however their are lines we can still make which I’ll go through later.

Predaplant Cordyceps (x0)

This card theoretically allows us to access Loading... ’s effect if drawn however his restrictions is what makes him dookie. Firstly this fella doesn’t activate until your standby phase and locks you out of all summoning mechanics except fusion so you can only use the monsters you control on resolution. These restrictions are not worth the payoff in my opinion.

Predaplant Bufolicula (x3)

This lad is your best friend, he allows you to fusion summon and add a face up predaplant pendulum monster from your extra deck when used as fusion material. (except if he’s banished) He’s not only a way to start our plays but also can create a consistent resource loop with Loading... where you pend summon a Bufolicula from your extra deck, fuse using the summoned Bufolicula and scaled Triantis where Bufolicula will activate to add back the Triantis. Bufolicula also gives us easy access to Loading... by technically being a spell effect when used to fuse.

Predaplant Triantis (x2-3)

Bufolicula’s best friend, Triantis allows us to use our pend scales as fusion material and when used as fusion material will place predacounters on either field equal to the number of monsters you control on resolution. This effect is not once per turn and is non targeting. Typically ran at 2x copies due to requiring set up to use.

Predaplant Spider Orchid (x0-1)

This fella isn’t great but he has his uses. His monster effect is usually ignored being an end phase plant discard to search any plant monster however he rarely stays on the field for this to resolve. His more important ability is his pendulum effect to target and pop a face up spell or trap card on either field (except field spells for some reason) the turn he is activated. Normally only used in conjunction with Triantis so he can be fused off to avoid clogging our pendulum zones. Konami did him dirty making the pop only usable for a single turn but it is what it is.

Predapractice (x3)

Our best starter by far and what fusion locks us for the rest of the turn. A free summon from hand alongside searching any predap card is insane allowing use to gather any missing pieces for our hand. Absolutely mandatory 3 of.

Super Polymerization (x3)

Cards absolutely nuts. Insane going first and second being a great board breaker, target avoider or fusion extender. Even if super poly is not good against current decks I still run it due to its versatility when utilising our own monsters.

Predaprime Fusion (x1)

Bootleg super poly! Searchable over the main combo and allows us to quick effect fusion using monsters on our field as long as we control a predaplant monster. Also allows us to fuse using the opponents monster if used to fuse a monster requiring 3 materials which is only Loading... . Typically used to dodge targeting effects or fuse Loading... or Loading... on the opponents turn. Keep in mind pendulum scales do not count as monsters on the field so predaprime is not activatable with just triantis and bufo scaled on the field.

Predapruning (x1)

Searchable monster reborn for any predaplant monster. Not much to say about this card it’s just a great way to access important monsters from our graveyard or re-summon our boss monsters.

Predaponics (x1)

Another archetype monster reborn for a level 4 or lower predaplant monsters. It doesn’t target and is a soft once per turn which is nice! It also can special from the hand however this isn’t typical. Bear in mind that it negates the monsters effects hence why it is typically only used to reborn Loading... or Loading... as their search effects can still be used.

Ultra Polymerization (x1)

The main search target off of Loading... . Allows you pay 2000lp to fuse a monster (using only 2 materials from the field) and then reborn those used materials from the graveyard. There are some intricacies around the reborn effect of this card though, firstly if a pendulum monster is used you can’t reborn the materials as the pendulum monster goes to the extra deck. Secondly if used to summon a monster that requires its materials to be on the field (e.g. Loading... ) then you cannot reborn the materials due to a ruling of the materials no longer being present.

Predaplanning (x1)

The only archetype trap worth running. Allows us to send a predaplant from deck to the graveyard for cost (typically send Loading... to search.) and then place a predacounter on all face up monsters. Furthermore if you fusion summon a dark monster whilst this card is in the graveyard you can banish it to target and pop a card on the field! Both effects can be used on the same turn as well! Keep in mind cards that prevent monsters from reaching the graveyard make predaplanning illegal to activate.

Predaplant Ambulomelides (x2-3)

If nobody got me I know Loading... got me. For real this card is insane, adds a predap card from your deck or graveyard and can tribute a monster you control or any monster on the field with a predacounter to summon a predaplant from deck. Great way to access your predaplant cards and recycle used resources as well as just a great fusion to go into when summoning Loading... .

Predaplant Dragostapelia (x2)

The main man of the show, this guy rocks! He negates the activated effects of any monster your opponent controls with a predacounter on them much like skill drain! He can also as a quick effect target a monster your opponent controls, place a predacounter on them. Like skill drain though monsters that remove themselves from the field for cost can dodge their effects being negated.

Predaplant Triphyoverutum (x1)

The big boy super poly target or OTK enabler. Whilst this card has been fusion summoned, it can negate the summon when a monster is special summoned from the extra deck. This basically means any monster summoned from the extra deck that didn’t start a chain such as a link, synchro or xyz monster. He also gains attack equal to the original attack of all monsters on the field with a predacounter on them except himself making OTK’s light work. Lastly he has a secret effect where if your opponent controls a monster with a predacounter he can special summon himself from the graveyard in defence position (losing the ability to negate a summon due to no longer being fusion summoned.) where he can be used for extra material.

Predaplant Chimerafflesia (x1)

One of the og predaplant monsters. Chimera targets and banishes any monster with a level equal to or less than itself from either field making it work well in conjunction with predapcounters. Furthermore if sent to the graveyard it can search any fusion spell during the next standby phase. Great toolbox option and fusion target for Loading... .

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (x1)

The anime boss monster and notorious super poly target. Whilst not as strong as in the anime his effect to non target gain the attack of a special summoned monster your opponent controls is not to be laughed at making OTK’s easy and is our primary out to towers. Furthermore it can gain the effects of a level 5 or higher monster for the turn and if your opponent dares to destroy him, he will nuke all your opponents special summoned monsters. Sadly his copy ability is not based on original level so predacounters do conflict by making monsters levels become 1.

Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon (x1)

The evolved form of Loading... . It can target a monster your opponent controls, make its attack 0 and negate its effects and on destruction will destroy all monsters on the field then can summon itself back by banishing a level 8 or higher dark monster. The destruction effect is mandatory and he can only summon himself if a monster is destroyed by the previous effect. The upside is that he doesn’t need to be fusion summoned to retain this effect.

Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon (x1)

The ultimate boss monster of the deck and in my opinion the most fair monster with a negate tied to it. This card is expensive to make and requires setup for its effect but its payoff is worth it. Once per turn you can negate the activation of any effect by tributing a monster on either field with a predacounter for effect. Furthermore this is a soft once per turn meaning if he is summoned again in the same turn you can negate again! What makes him even better is that if he leaves the field via an opponents card whilst you control him you can target and summon any dark monster in your graveyard. This effect can target himself, dragostapelia or even Byblisp. It’s super flexible and even activates if he’s removed for cost such as by a Kaiju. His benefits don’t stop there though as he is always treated as a predaplant card making him a target for Loading... however he loses his summon effect if he’s no longer fusion summoned.

Starving Venemy Dragon (x1)

This geeza is the manga variant of Yuri’s boss monster. Unlike Loading... venemy can target any monster to gain their effects and it permanently negates the targeted monsters effects and reduces its attack/defence. He also has the effect of when destroyed you can place him in your pendulum scale where he can reduce the damage you take to 0 from a single battle as well as adding venemy counters to himself for each card send from the field to the graveyard which reduces the attack of all monsters except dark dragon monsters by 200 for each venemy counter. Most importantly though is once fusion summoned he can be continuously pendulum summoned making him a consistent threat in the grind game.

Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon (x0-1)

This guy is hella neat but sadly is too niche to warrant play. The final manga boss monster of the venemy cards can once per turn negate the effects of all face up monsters your opponent currently controls and if any card is sent to the graveyard from the field, will place a venemy counter on himself reducing the attack of all monsters except dark dragon monsters. On destruction he can place himself in your pendulum zone where once per turn you can place a venemy counter on each monster your opponent controls. He looks cool and is cool but is too expensive material wise to summon so only play if you like him.

Guardian Chimera (x1)

Our main method of removing backrow or forcing interaction with his non targeting destruction. Just make sure to fuse using spell effect such as Loading... otherwise you won’t gain his effect.

Super Poly Targets

Garura, Wings of Resonant Life (x1)

Mudragon of the Swamp (x1)

These guys serve the role of being targets for Loading... to fuse into using your opponents monsters. They also have some pretty neat effects as well as garura can draw a card when sent to the graveyard and Mudragon can prevent targeting effects towards a certain attribute. Outside of super poly though only garura can be manually summoned as most in archetype fuse effects can only summon dark monsters.

Linkuriboh (x0-1)

Relinquished Anima (x0-1)

Both of these cards have the same role of being able to easily remove Loading... from the field to gain its search effect. You can play neither or both depending on personal preference.

Predaplant Verte Anaconda (x0-1)

Probably the most infamous predaplant card that isn’t even that good in predaplants due to our best starter Loading... fusion locking us. That aside Verte can be played as a plan B kind of option for when you draw Loading... or if you run a side engine such as the DPE package or Branded.


The decks pretty non linear with different avenues of play depending on your starting hand hence, I’ll go over some basics combos including some where you have drawn Loading... .

To summarise, the main gameplan is to summon a dragostapelia with leftover materials from ultra poly and set predaprime and predaplanning. Ideally this allows us to have a targeting negate, a mass field negate and a pop when fusion summoning into either a second dragostapelia, predapower or triph. Ideally as well you want your excess materials from ultra poly to be a sarra or Byblisp so you can garner resources for the following turn.

Scorpio + any monster:

  1. Summon Scorpio discarding a monster to summon cobra
  2. Search ultra poly and use to summon ambulo
  3. Search bufo and resummon by banishing ultra poly
  4. Tribute one of the resummoned material for sarra
  5. Fuse using bufo for dragostapelia using sarra + ambulo searching predaplanning
  6. Set predaplanning and end turn

Sundew + any predaplant monster:

  1. Summon sundew and fuse into ambulo
  2. Ambulo search predaponics
  3. Predaponics effect and tribute summoned monster for cobra searching super poly
  4. Set the super poly and pass

Predapractice + Scorpio:

  1. Activate predapractice adding Byblisp from the deck
  2. Discard Byblisp with Scorpios effect summoning cobra from the deck and chain blocking using Byblisp search
  3. Search ultra polymerization with cobra and bufo with Byblisp
  4. Scale bufo to fuse the cobra and Scorpio in to ambulomelides searching predaponics
  5. Predaponics summon any monster
  6. Ambulomelides tribute summoned monster to summon sarra
  7. Ultra poly sarra + ambulo to summon dragostapelia and search predaprime fusion
  8. Banish ultra poly to summon back sarra + ambulo.
  9. Set predaprime to fuse during opponents turn and search again with sarra

Predapractice + Sundew:

  1. Activate predapractice adding Byblisp from the deck
  2. Fuse into ambulo searching predaprime and sarra
  3. Normal summon sarra and tribute with ambulo for cobra
  4. Search ultra poly and predaplanning
  5. Ultra poly ambulo + cobra for dragostapelia and resummon
  6. Set predaprime and predaplanning for plays during the opponents turn.

Bufo/Triantis + Byblisp:

  1. Summon Byblisp linking off to search missing scale
  2. Fusion summon ambulo with bufo placing a predacounter on the field
  3. Search pre prime fusion
  4. Byblisp effect to summon from grave and tribute using ambulo for cobra searching ultra poly
  5. Ultra poly effect summoning dragostapelia and resummoning materials
  6. Set predaprime to use for predapower/dragostapelia/triphyoverutum

Predapractice + Scorpio + Bufo + sarra/triantis/lonefire:

  1. Predapractice summoning Scorpio adding bybsisp to discard
  2. Summon sundew and search sarra/triantis
  3. Sundew effect to fuse using cobra for ambulo searching predaprime
  4. Scale pendulums and pend sarra to the field
  5. Bufo effect to fuse starving Venemy dragon and placing counters across field
  6. Byblisp effect to resummon and tribute for cobra searching ultra poly
  7. Ultra poly ambulo + sarra for dragostapelia searching predaplanning (or predapruning if you’re scared of nibiru)
  8. Resummon materials and set predaprime and predaplanning

Scorpio + Cobra + any monster

  1. Normal Scorpio discarding a monster summoning sundew
  2. Sundew effect to fuse into ambulo using cobra in hand
  3. Search bufo and tribute Scorpio for sarra
  4. Bufo effect to fuse dragostapelia using sarra + ambulo searching predaplanning
  5. Set predaplanning and pass

Sundew + Cobra + predapractice

  1. Predapractice adding Byblisp
  2. Sundew effect using Byblisp summoning ambulo
  3. Search predaprime fusion and sarra
  4. Normal sarra and tribute for another sarra searching predaplanning
  5. Set predaprime and predaplanning to fuse and search on opponents turn

Bufo + cobra + triantis

  1. Scale bufo + triantis
  2. Fusion using bufo + triantis for ambulo searching sarra
  3. Normal sarra and tribute for a 2nd sarra and searching predaprime
  4. Set predaprime and pass

Predaplant deck core:

32 cards

Predaplant deck list:

40 cards


Thanks for reading hope it this guide helped clarify what predaplants are about and how they aim to play. I’d like to thank Yuri for playing predaplants and Konami for banning instant fusion rightfully stopping this deck being the tier 0 meta threat it was destined to be. (I’m taking that ban personally) Seriously though the deck may not be a meta contender but it can still hold its own in the right hands or right draws. If you’ve got any question feel free to message me on the predaplant channel.
