Titles Missions
- Deal over 8,000 Damage in a single Attack - 20 - Title: Strong Arm
- Equip a Card - 100 - Title: Showoff
- Win a Duel without Normal Summoning - 1 - Title: Unfathomable
- Win a PvP Duel with Exodia the Forbidden One Victory conditions - 10 - Title: Sealed One
- Win a PvP Duel by Special Victory - 30 - Title: Tactician
- Win by decking your opponent - 20 - Title: Destroyer
- Win on your first Attack turn - 5 - Title: Demon
Gain Life Points
- 5,000 - 100 Gems
- 30,000 - 100 Gems
- 100,000 - 200 Gems
Place a Spell Counter
- 20 - 100 Gems
- 100 - 100 Gems
Summon a Gemini monster on the Field
- 10 - 100 Gems
Take control of your opponent's Monster
- 10 - 100 Gems
- 40 - 100 Gems
When your opponent’s Monster attacks, your opponent takes Damage
- 10,000 - 100 Gems
- 40,000 - 100 Gems
- 100,000 - 200 Gems
Datamined Missions
- Gain Life Points
- Gain Life Points in
- Inflict damage on your opponent
- Inflict damage on your opponent in
- When your opponent's Monster attacks, your opponent takes Damage
- When your opponent's Monster attacks, your opponent takes Damage in
- Damage your opponent with a Direct Attack
- Inflict Direct Attack Damage on your opponent in
- Pay Cost with LP
- Pay cost with LP in
- Destroy the Card
- Destroy the Card in
- Destroy your opponent's Monster
- Destroy your opponent's Monster in
- Monsters on your opponent's Field are destroyed
- Monsters on your opponent's Field are destroyed in
- Activate a Trap Card
- Activate a Trap Card in
- Activate a Spell Card
- Activate a Spell Card in
- Activate the effect of a Card in the Graveyard
- Activate the effect of a Card in the Graveyard in
- Set a Monster
- Set a Monster in
- Declare an Attack to a monster
- Declare an Attack to a monster in
- You remove your opponent's Card
- You remove your opponent's Card in
- Your opponent's attacking Monster is destroyed
- Your opponent's attacking Monster is destroyed in
- You face your opponent's Monster
- You face your opponent's Monster in
- Summon a Monster
- Summon a Monster in
- Special Summon a Monster
- Special Summon a Monster in
- Tribute Summon a Monster
- Tribute Summon a Monster in
- Summon a Gemini monster on the Field
- Summon a Gemini monster on the Field in
- Special Summon a Monster from the Graveyard
- Special Summon a Monster from the Graveyard in
- Special Summon a Token
- Special Summon a Token in
- Place a Spell Counter
- Place a Spell Counter in
- Remove a Spell Counter
- Remove a Spell Counter in
- Equip a Card
- Equip a Card in
- Take control of your opponent's Monster
- Take control of your opponent's Monster in
- Deal over 8,000 Damage in a single Attack
- Deal over 8,000 Damage in a single Attack in
- When your opponent's Monster attacks, your opponent takes over 8,000 Damage
- When your opponent's Monster attacks your opponent takes over 8,000 Damage in
- An effect's activation becomes Chain 6 or greater
- An effect's activation becomes Chain 6 or greater in
- You have five Monsters on your Field
- Position five Monsters on your Field in
- Deal Damage on your first turn
- Deal Damage on your first turn in
- The total Damage dealt to your opponent in a turn is 11,000 or greater
- The total Damage dealt to your opponent in a turn in is 11,000 or greater
- Win a Duel
- Win a Duel in
- Win multiple Duels in a row in
- Compete in a Duel
- Duel in
- Accumulate Points (Win +3 points, Lose +1 points)
- Win in 30 turns or more
- Win by decking your opponent
- Win on your first Attack turn
- Win by attacking with a Monster with less than 100 ATK
- Win a Duel without Normal Summon
- Win a PvP Duel with Victory conditions
- Complete Missions in one day
- Reach Rank
- Increase Duelist Level
- Proceed to the Solo Gate
- Log in (one account per day)
- Win a PvP Duel by Special Victory
- Win a Duel in
- Duel in
- Spectate DUEL LIVE
- Spend CP to Generate a card.
- Dismantle a card.
- Find a Secret Pack.
- Dismantle selected card.
- Dismantle all excess cards.
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