
Welcome to Doremichord Solfachord, a relatively simple take on pendulum archetype.

Now, you may be asking: "Why would I play a basic pendulum deck, when I could be playing complex 2 card combo [insert pendulum archetype]?" Good question. Because Solfachord is friendly towards new players who is looking to get into learning about pendulums without overburdening them with complexity of scale effects.

So what are Solfachords?

Solfachords are musical fairies that has progressive levels and corresponding scales in inverse to match it. The main theme of the archetype borrows directly from musical term called Solfège. The musical scale goes from Do-Re-Mi... then all the way back to Do ending the cycle.

Solfachord Pendulum Monsters

Each Solfachord pendulum monster has primary effect that does not require particular condition, and a secondary effect that checks for Solfachord scale to apply their effects. Usually pendulum monsters have complex pendulum scale effects, however Solfachord archetype focuses on making simplified pendulum plays by simply preventing the opponent from activating effects or negating our pendulum summons.

Below here will describe each cards' purpose and how you should use to maximize their effectiveness.

DoSolfachord Cutia
DoSolfachord Cutia

Cutia is the main starter for majority of Solfachord combos. On normal or special summon you can add ReSolfachord Dreamia for extra special summon monster, SolSolfachord Gracia for useful tools post pendulum summon, DoSolfachord Coolia for a low scale. Her secondary effect can mostly be ignored. It is useful to note she is the highest scale in the Solfachord archetype.

ReSolfachord Dreamia
ReSolfachord Dreamia

Dreamia is the second most commonly used extra summoned monster paired with Cutia as she can be special summoned from hand given you have a Solfachord scale in your pendulum zone. The secondary effect of protecting another Solfachord pendulum monster is sometimes worth considering when you have leftover monsters.

MiSolfachord Eliteia
MiSolfachord Eliteia

One of the least useful Solfachord monster. The bounce effect might be relevant sometimes, but mostly it's unused. It is sometimes used by other Solfachord monsters to get to Eliteia or from her to another monster.

FaSolfachord Fancia
FaSolfachord Fancia

Fancia is a secondary starter next to DoSolfachord Cutia as in conjunction with the field spell:Solfachord Harmonia it acts like a Cutia. You might be wondering if it's another starter, why include at such low numbers? It has mainly to do with how many copies of field spells you are playing. You should be matching the numbers of field spells and Fancia.

SolSolfachord Gracia
SolSolfachord Gracia

Arguably second most important piece to summon among the Solfachord monsters. However due to it requiring tribute summon, you are most likely to summon it with pendulum summon. If you are looking for disruption on opponent's turn, then search for Solfachord Musica. Otherwise search for Solfachord Harmonia to generate additional card advantages. You will sometimes search for Solfachord Elegance when the other 2 are unavailable or in desperate need for scales and/or card draw. The secondary effect is a surprisingly effectively way to clear enemy monsters.

LaSolfachord Angelia
LaSolfachord Angelia

Angelia's effect allows for flexible gameplay with your monsters, allowing you searching for the right monsters. Generally most common use would be to special summon DoSolfachord Coolia from the deck by tributing Angelia herself. Going from SolSolfachord Gracia to TiSolfachord Beautia is another common play. The secondary effect can allow you to attack ignoring battles traps such as Mirror Force.

TiSolfachord Beautia
TiSolfachord Beautia

Beautia's effect allows her to be beat monsters with high attack. And the quick effect can be somewhat disruptive, but seldomly used. She is used often for a Rank 7 XYZ summon, mainly Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon.

DoSolfachord Coolia
DoSolfachord Coolia

The main boss monster as well as one of our best disruption tool. You usually need Cutia to maximize the usefulness. The effect to negate cards on field is sometimes useful, but since it isn't a quick effect, it's mostly there to stop continuous Spells and Traps as well as monster effects.

Spells and Traps and Extra Deck

Spells, traps and Solfachord extra deck monsters. Usually you use these to generate additional resources.

Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Elegance

This is single best pendulum scale searcher in the game, as it does not have a hard restriction, usually can get scale 1 and/or 8. The main effect you want to use will be the searching for 2 scales. For pendulum archetype adding cards to the face-up extra deck is akin to drawing a card. Usually after searching Gracia, Angelia, or Beautia with Cutia, you use the activate 2 scales to effectively draw 3 cards.

Solfachord Harmonia
Solfachord Harmonia

Harmonia can add, increase Solfachord scale for the turn, and destroy something on field. It has many ways to help with the hand, however drawing multiples can lead to devastating hands, and usually you can get to it using Gracia. It's preferable to leave some space in the main deck for non-Solfachord cards.

Solfachord Scale
Solfachord Scale

The third effect may seem like it's devastating, however it's deceptively weak. As usually getting to the point of having 4 monsters on board means you can usually destroy everything opponent has. Not to mention since it's only face-up cards, that means traps that have not yet been activated can't be destroyed and still have to deal with them.

Solfachord Musica
Solfachord Musica

This is our go to search with Gracia when playing first. It can summon a Solfachord monster from the face-up extra deck, but this part is usually not that impactful. The more important part is the simple destroy target card effect. If you have lots of non-Solfachord cards in the deck, the third effect is harder to achieve so generally gets unused with that in mind.

Solfachord Formal
Solfachord Formal

It only makes your Solfachord Pendulum monsters unaffected, meaning not even your Link Solfachord monster gets protection from it. And most of the times you will end on generic boss monsters to disrupt the opponent, making this card mostly useless.

GranSolfachord Musecia
GranSolfachord Musecia

Our extra deck monster. There are much better contender for the spot, the most heavily compared one being HeavyMetalfoes Electrumite. Since Electrumite is limited to 1, theoretically you can use this card once Electrumite is no longer available, but the scenario comes up very seldomly if none at all. Even then you are better off summoning Beyond the Pendulum.

Additional Starter and Extenders