
Loading... is a mysterious artifact capable of summoning entities with the power to reshape the world. It has selected Loading... as its master, and true to its name, the agathokakological (def: comprised of both good and evil) voice beckons her to choose between virtue and temptation. Loading... and Loading... whisper in her ears, influencing her decisions while they seek to fill their respective chalices on the Vaalmonica. Depending on which chalice fills first, either Loading... or Loading... will appear and change the world in their image. But which one is truly the force for good?


TRIVIA: Angello's and Dimonno's gloves (and their Attributes) hint at their true intentions. Despite her name, Angello is actually the more conniving influence, whereas Dimonno is described as honest and graceful.


Play Style

This archetype repeatedly presents you with a choice between an effect that gains LP and one that causes you to take damage. Each time you choose, either Loading... or Loading... gains a Resonance Counter (i.e. filling their chalices). Unsurprisingly, the most tempting effects are those that inflict damage and place counters on Dimonno. Fortunately, this is where you want most of your counters on turn 1 anyway.

As the lore suggests, the goal is to fill the Vaalmonica's chalices by accumulating 3 counters on Dimonno or Angello. Not only does this trigger Loading... to take control of an opponent's monster, but more importantly, it allows you to call forth Loading... or Loading... by using any single Effect Monster as material.


The ideal set-up on turn 1 is as follows:

  • Loading... with both of its effects live while you control Zebufera.
  • Zebufera to reuse both of Rhythm's effects.
  • Any Rank 4 or Link-2 monster (e.g. Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... ).
  • Loading... ready to trigger the next time a counter is placed by Rhythm or Zebufera.


The strategy on turn 2 is as follows:

  • Steal an opponent's monster with Loading... .
  • Destroy the rest of their monsters with Loading... .
  • Attack for game by using Duralume's effect to attack 3 times.
  • Loading... can destroy a Spell/Trap by copying the effect of Loading... .