
  • Konami has announced the Duel Triangle Event, to be held from April 17th - April 29th
  • Choose between three groups: Fusion, Xyz, and Synchro: each with its own Banlist!
  • Groups can be changed at any time
  • During the event, you can Duel with the same ruleset in Duel Rooms!
  • This event uses the "Medal" System from previous Festival Events, earn Medals whether you win, lose or draw - but not if you surrender. The more Medals you earn, the more Rewards you can unlock!

Duel Triangle Fusion/Synchro/Xyz


The "Fusion" group can only include Fusion Monsters in the Extra Deck, the "Synchro" group can only include Synchro Monsters in the Extra Deck, and the "Xyz" group can only include Xyz Monsters in the Extra Deck.

Some cards will be unavailable for the sake of game balance.


  • 1900 Gems
  • Loading... Protectors
  • Legacy Pack Tickets
  • Three Pillars Title
  • Different Titles are obtainable based on the points you earn in each group. (Check Missions for Details)


Primarily cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Archetypes will be allowed during this event.

Please check the full banlist in-game and stay tuned for Top Event Decklists !

Loaner Decks: Fusion

☆1 Dual Avatars, Side by Side

40 cards
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Dual Avatar Feet - Kokoku
2 copies
2 copies
Edge Imp Chain
3 copies
Dual Avatar Fists - Yuhi
2 copies
Reinforcement of the Army
3 copies
Frightfur Patchwork
3 copies
Fusion Deployment
3 copies
Dual Avatar Invitation
3 copies
Perfect Sync - A-Un
Supply Squad
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Dual Avatar Defeating Evil
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Dual Avatar Compact
Dual Avatar Return
Dual Avatar Ascendance
3 copies
Dual Avatar - Manifested A-Un
3 copies
Dual Avatar Feet - Armored Un-Gyo
3 copies
Dual Avatar Fists - Armored Ah-Gyo
2 copies
Dual Avatar - Empowered Mitsu-Jaku
2 copies
Dual Avatar - Empowered Kon-Gyo
First of the Dragons
Guardian Chimera

☆2 Roar of the Illusion Beast

40 cards
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Edge Imp Chain
3 copies
Cornfield Coatl
3 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws
3 copies
Mirror Swordknight
3 copies
Big-Winged Berfomet
Nightmare Magician
2 copies
Alpha, the Master of Beasts
2 copies
Diabolica the Draconique General
2 copies
3 copies
Frightfur Patchwork
3 copies
Fusion Armament
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Chimera Fusion
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
3 copies
Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts
3 copies
Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts
2 copies
Magnum the Reliever
2 copies
Chimera the Illusion Beast
3 copies
Guardian Chimera

✰3 Dark World Scheming

40 cards
Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
Parl, Hermit of Dark World
King of the Swamp
3 copies
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
3 copies
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
3 copies
Genta, Gateman of Dark World
2 copies
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
2 copies
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World
2 copies
3 copies
Dark World Dealings
Dark Corridor
3 copies
The Gates of Dark World
Dark World Archives
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Dark World Puppetry
2 copies
Dark World Accession
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Dark World Brainwashing
Dark World Punishment
Invoked Caliga
3 copies
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
3 copies
Magnum the Reliever
3 copies
Guardian Chimera
3 copies
Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World
2 copies
Clorless, Chaos King of Dark World

Loaner Decks: Synchro

✰1 The Crimson King

40 cards
Effect Veiler
Synkron Resonator
3 copies
Red Resonator
3 copies
Crimson Resonator
2 copies
Vision Resonator
Creation Resonator
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Soul Resonator
3 copies
Witch of the Black Forest
3 copies
Wandering King Wildwind
Red Familiar
3 copies
Bone Archfiend
3 copies
Resonator Call
Synchro Rumble
3 copies
Crimson Gaia
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Burning Soul
Absolute Powerforce
Red Reign
Red Zone
Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth
2 copies
Red Rising Dragon
2 copies
Red Dragon Archfiend
Void Ogre Dragon
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
2 copies
Scarred Dragon Archfiend
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane
2 copies
Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Nova Dragon
Red Supernova Dragon

✰2 Dwellers of the Fabled Realm

40 cards
Fabled Lurrie
3 copies
The Fabled Chawa
3 copies
Fabled Raven
3 copies
Fabled Krus
3 copies
The Fabled Cerburrel
3 copies
The Fabled Nozoochee
2 copies
The Fabled Abanc
2 copies
Fabled Kushano
3 copies
The Fabled Ganashia
3 copies
Fabled Grimro
3 copies
Fabled Marcosia
Pot of Avarice
Foolish Burial
3 copies
Stairway to a Fabled Realm
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Fabled Treason
Formula Synchron
Mist Bird Clausolas
The Fabled Unicore
3 copies
Fabled Ragin
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Fabled Andwraith
Rampaging Smashtank Rhynosaber
Fabled Valkyrus
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Fabled Leviathan
Baronne de Fleur
Chaos Angel

✰3 Ursactric Radiance

40 cards
3 copies
Righty Driver
Crystal Girl
Lefty Driver
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
2 copies
Ursarctic Mikbilis
3 copies
Ursarctic Mikpolar
2 copies
Ursarctic Miktanus
3 copies
Ultimate Bright Knight Ursatron Alpha
2 copies
Ursarctic Megabilis
2 copies
Ursarctic Megapolar
3 copies
Ursarctic Megatanus
3 copies
Ursarctic Departure
2 copies
Ursarctic Big Dipper
2 copies
Ursarctic Radiation
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Ursarctic Slider
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Ursarctic Quint Charge
3 copies
Ursarctic Polari
3 copies
Ursarctic Polar Star
2 copies
Ursarctic Grand Chariot
2 copies
Ursarctic Septentrion
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Navy Dragon Mech
Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
Icejade Gymir Aegirine
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Loaner Decks: Xyz

☆1 Hot-Blooded Boxer

40 cards
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw
3 copies
Battlin' Boxer Headgeared
3 copies
Battlin' Boxer Sparrer
Battlin' Boxer Switchitter
Battlin' Boxer Veil
3 copies
Battlin' Boxer Uppercutter
3 copies
Battlin’ Boxer Promoter
3 copies
Battlin' Boxer Chief Second
Reinforcement of the Army
Battlin' Boxing Spirits
Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One
Barian's Chaos Draw
Seventh Ascension
Foolish Burial
Ring Announcer
Barian Untopia
Overlay Network
2 copies
Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Seventh Force
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Flamvell Counter
Numbers Protection
Battlin’ Boxing Cross Counter
2 copies
Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke
Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus
2 copies
Number 79: Battlin' Boxer Nova Kaiser
2 copies
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus
Number C80: Requiem in Berserk
CXyz Barian Hope
3 copies
Battlin' Boxer King Dempsey
2 copies
Number C79: Battlin' Boxer General Kaiser

☆2 Eroding Crystal Domain

40 cards
3 copies
Fallen of the Tistina
3 copies
Returned of the Tistina
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Sentinel of the Tistina
Hound of the Tistina
2 copies
Tainted of the Tistina
2 copies
Crystal God Tistina
3 copies
Demigod of the Tistina
3 copies
Divine Domain Baatistina
3 copies
Breath of the Tistina
2 copies
Book of Eclipse
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Play of the Tistina
2 copies
Floodgate Trap Hole
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Discordance of the Tistina
Embrace of the Tistina
Signs of the Tistina
3 copies
Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness
3 copies
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
3 copies
Skypalace Gangaridai
3 copies
Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
3 copies
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

☆3 Evolving Genes

40 cards
3 copies
Evoltile Megachirella
Animadorned Archosaur
2 copies
2 copies
Evoltile Pholis
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
3 copies
Souleating Oviraptor
Evolsaur Lios
Evolsaur Elias
2 copies
Xeno Meteorus
Double-Headed Dino King Rex
Overtex Qoatlus
Doodle Beast - Tyranno
Mighty Dino King Rex
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
Transcendosaurus Meteorus
3 copies
Fossil Dig
Double Evolution Pill
Ground Xeno
2 copies
Called by the Grave
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Evolzar Laggia
2 copies
Daigusto Emeral
2 copies
Evolzar Dolkka
2 copies
Grenosaurus Giga-Cannon
2 copies
Evolzar Solda
2 copies
Transcendosaurus Drillygnathus
3 copies
Evolzar Lars

Tell us your thoughts on the Event in the comments below!