January 9th Update

Upcoming Event: Theme Chronicle

Cards create history, and history creates heroes. You too can experience the chronicle of Duels that has been passed down through the generations!

This event will have exclusive rules that promote cards from the archetypes in the Solo Mode scenarios, such as Monarch, Elementsaber, and World Chalice.

There are some cards that cannot be used as they are not part of an archetype, or belong to an archetype that has not been featured in Solo Mode as of January 2025. In addition, some cards cannot be used for game balance reasons.

Duel Field



  • Chronicler: A Title given to Duelists who achieved results in a chosen narrative with the power of various cards. The stories spun through battle will leave something that will resonate with many Duelists.

Keep in mind that the datamined information is speculation, and remains unconfirmed until officially announced by Konami

Tell us your thoughts on the new cards in the comments below!