
After each Maintenance we aim to provide a quick overview of the Most Popular cards being used in the "highest Rank" of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, and how their performance has changed over the recent weeks. This is now possible thanks to official data from the recent "Card Statistics" feature in-game!

Note: This data is accurate as of the July 13th 2024 and is compared with usage data from our June 29th 2024 Data Update.

We also have our own Top Cards page that tracks the full data used for this article - so check it out as soon as it's updated later today!

Credit to

for the Official In-Game Usage/Winrate Stats!

Top Cards By Usage Rate


Maxx "C"
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring


S:P Little Knight
Called by the Grave
Infinite Impermanence
Crossout Designator
Nibiru, the Primal Being


I:P Masquerena
Triple Tactics Talent


Effect Veiler
Baronne de Fleur
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
PSY-Framegear Gamma
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
PSY-Frame Driver


Knightmare Phoenix
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Diabellstar the Black Witch
Accesscode Talker
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Salamangreat Raging Phoenix
Snake-Eyes Poplar
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
0 - Loading... - 26.4% (Was 22.2%) - Loading... - 26.3% (Was 23.2%) - Loading... - 26.1% (Was 24.2%) - Loading... - 26% (Was 24.4%) - Loading... - 25.9% (Was 28.7%) - Loading... - 25.8% (Was 24.4%) - Loading... - 25.4% (Was 21%) - Loading... - 25.4% (Was 21.9%) - Loading... - 25.3% (Was 21.4%) - Loading... - 25.3% (Was 33.4%)

New Stats Breakdown

As of November's update Konami have added 3 new stats to dive into, of which each update we'll showcase the Top 10 of each statistic:

  • Win Rate (When Played) - Win Rate of Duels in which the monster was Normal/Special Summoned
  • Finisher Rank - Ranking of the number of times the monster reduced the opponent's LP to 0 by battle or effects.
  • Average Battle Damage - The average damage inflicted by a monster in one battle
Win Rate (When Played)
Card Name Rate
Loading... 89.2% (Was 87.2%)
Loading... 87.5% (Was 85.8%)
Loading... 86.4% (Was 85.2%)
Loading... 86.1% (Was 84.9%)
Loading... 85.3% (NEW)
Loading... 84.9% (Was 85.2%)
Loading... 84.3% (Was 82.6%)
Loading... 84% (Was 84.4%)
Loading... 84% (NEW)
Loading... 83.1% (Was 79.2%)
Average Battle Damage
Card Name Damage
Loading... 11919
Loading... 9273
Loading... 8393
Loading... 7897
Loading... 6742
Loading... 6470
Loading... 5779
Loading... 5339
Loading... 5284
Loading... 4626
Finisher Rank
Card Name Ranking Prev. Rank
Loading... 1 2
Loading... 2 NEW
Loading... 3 5
Loading... 4 1
Loading... 5 3
Loading... 6 7
Loading... 7 6
Loading... 8 8
Loading... 9 11
Loading... 10 13