May 7th Update

KONAMI has released v1.9.0 of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - and it's a big update, clocking in at ~3GB on Mobile and 10GB on PC (with consoles somewhere in the middle).

There's a bunch of new features, and our downloads are taking a while so this article will be updated throughout the day with more information and any other leaks we find!

New Features

  • Winner and chosen Coin Toss result is now displayed in DUEL REPLAYS
  • Card Text is now formatted with line breaks, making them easier to read
  • You can now "Zoom In" to see larger versions of card artworks

Upcoming Campaigns?


New Animations

Note: Sky Strike Mobilize - Engage! and Heavy Storm Animations only seem to be working on some of the console versions of Master Duel..

Keep in mind that the datamined information is speculation, and remains unconfirmed until officially announced by Konami

Tell us your thoughts on the new cards in the comments below!