Stay tuned for more reports, top decks, and more on Coming Soon!

Tournament Information

  • Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series held in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Konami
  • YCS Minneapolis was held over the October 23rd, 2022 Weekend.


  • 11 Rounds Swiss into Top 32 Cut.

Top 32Breakdown

Top Decklists

Note: Decklists have not all been released yet, we will update the article as we collect them.

1st Place – Christopher LeBlanc (Tearlament Spright)

46 cards
3 copies
Nimble Angler
3 copies
Nimble Beaver
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
2 copies
Spright Blue
Spright Jet
Spright Red
3 copies
Tearlaments Merrli
3 copies
Tearlaments Havnis
2 copies
Tearlaments Reinoheart
3 copies
Tearlaments Scheiren
3 copies
Kashtira Fenrir
Instant Fusion
3 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
Foolish Burial
3 copies
Tearlaments Grief
3 copies
Primeval Planet Perlereino
Tearlaments Scream
3 copies
Super Polymerization
Spright Smashers
Spright Starter
Tearlaments Heartbeat
2 copies
Tearlaments Sulliek
Mudragon of the Swamp
Tearlaments Kitkallos
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
Predaplant Dragostapelia
Tearlaments Rulkallos
Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart
Gigantic Spright
Beat Cop from the Underworld
I:P Masquerena
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
2 copies
Spright Elf
2 copies
Spright Sprind
Accesscode Talker
Side Deck
Abyss Dweller
Red Resonator
3 copies
Bystial Druiswurm
3 copies
Bystial Magnamhut
Bystial Saronir
Dinowrestler Pankratops
3 copies
Cosmic Cyclone
2 copies
Tearlaments Heartbeat

2nd Place – Michael Tamez (Floowandereeze)

40 cards
3 copies
Floowandereeze & Eglen
3 copies
Floowandereeze & Robina
Floowandereeze & Stri
Floowandereeze & Toccan
Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds
3 copies
Dimension Shifter
Mist Valley Apex Avian
Raiza the Mega Monarch
2 copies
Floowandereeze & Empen
3 copies
Pot of Duality
3 copies
Lightning Storm
Triple Tactics Talent
3 copies
Pot of Prosperity
2 copies
Mystic Mine
3 copies
Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map
Set Rotation
3 copies
Floowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure
3 copies
Evenly Matched
Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town
Elder Entity N'tss
Invoked Mechaba
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
Downerd Magician
Cyber Dragon Nova
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Relinquished Anima
Knightmare Phoenix
Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom
Knightmare Unicorn
Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Side Deck
D.D. Crow
3 copies
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
Triple Tactics Talent
Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds
Appointer of the Red Lotus
3 copies
Harpie's Feather Storm
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Trap Trick

Top 4 – Marcus Hayden (Runick Spright)

40 cards
Wind-Up Kitten
2 copies
3 copies
Spright Blue
Spright Carrot
3 copies
Spright Jet
Spright Red
3 copies
Lava Golem
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
2 copies
Runick Fountain
3 copies
Runick Destruction
Runick Dispelling
3 copies
Runick Flashing Fire
3 copies
Runick Freezing Curses
3 copies
Runick Slumber
Runick Smiting Storm
3 copies
Runick Tip
Spright Smashers
3 copies
Spright Starter
2 copies
Hugin the Runick Wings
Geri the Runick Fangs
Number 65: Djinn Buster
Number 29: Mannequin Cat
Onibimaru Soul Sweeper
2 copies
Gigantic Spright
I:P Masquerena
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
3 copies
Spright Elf
Knightmare Unicorn
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax
Side Deck
Testudo erat Numen
Red Resonator
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Chaos Hunter
3 copies
The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode
Triple Tactics Talent
Cosmic Cyclone
3 copies
Eradicator Epidemic Virus
3 copies
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon