
Tryout Duels are coming back, allowing players to play Rental Decks or Custom Rule Decks in order to obtain free Selection Packs.

Tryout Duel / Extreme Duel 1 / 30 Seconds

The time limit for this duel is only 30 seconds. Build a Deck tailored for speedy developments and aim to get some rewards!

In the "Duel" in the "Game Settings," the following setting is recommended.

  • Setting "Cad Position" to "Auto."

This Tryout Duel will be from December 21st 11PM EST - December 25th 11PM EST.

Tryout Duel / Extreme Duel 2 / 2024 LP

Both sides only have 2024 LP in this Duel. Keep an eye on your remaining LP as you progress through the Duel.

This Tryout Duel will be from December 28st 11PM EST - January 1st 11PM EST.

Tryout Duel / Rental Competition 7 / Dragon-Type Only

You will be able to use a Loaner Deck that only contains Dragon-Type monsters this time around. Use each Deck to your advantage and win rewards!

This Tryout Duel will be from January 4th 11PM EST - January 8th 11PM EST.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!