Hello all, this is
from the MDM Content Manager team, just writing to say that through combined effort from Developers and Content Managers, Master Duel Meta's Card Database should be (mostly) complete. While no easy task, most if not all cards (within margin of error) from Master Pack, Legacy Pack, Solo Mode, and Duel Result should be on Master Duel Meta with an attached Rarity and obtain location.We also have completed our robust Secret Pack Database with search tools for both Archetypes and Individual Cards spanning across all 150+ obtainable Secret Packs.
We highly value your experience on Master Duel Meta, which is why we're working our hardest every day to provide you all with the most up-to-date information coupled with Top Tier Meta Decks, Guides, and Tournament Reports. If you spot anything we missed, or can improve on, feel free to leave a comment below or drop a message in the Website Feedback channel on the Master Duel Discord.
How do you like Master Duel Meta's Card Database? Let us know in the comments below!