
Tryout Duels are coming back, allowing players to play Rental Decks or Custom Rule Decks in order to obtain free Selection Packs.

Tryout Duel / Time Travel 2004

Event where you battle with cards released in the OCG until November 25th 2004. In this event, the player going first can draw a card during their Draw Phase.

  • The Dueling rules may differ slightly from that of 2004.

For those wondering November 25th, 2004 was the release of Flaming Eternity in the OCG, which is the last "Duel Monsters Era" Set before The Lost Millennium and the "GX Era" (So it's not quite GOAT format but fairly similar).

This Tryout Duel will be from February 29th 11PM EST - March 4th 11PM EST.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!