
Tryout Duels are coming back, allowing players to play Rental Decks or Custom Rule Decks in order to obtain free Selection Packs.

Tryout Duel / Time Travel 2014

Event where you battle with cards released in the OCG until Just 21st 2014.

  • The rules for Duels may differ slightly from those in 2014.

  • Pendulum Zones will merged into the Spell & Trap Zone.

For those wondering, this will be what is colloquially referred to as "Duelist Alliance Format". However since Burning Abyss was a TCG-exclusive archetype, it will most likely not be included (differing from what TCG players know as Duelist Allience Format).

This Tryout Duel will be from November 28th 11pm EDT - December 2nd 11PM EDT.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!