Konami have announced updates to the Duel Timer in the following modes:
- Ranked Duels
- Event Duels
- Duel Room Match (When Duel Time is set to "Normal")
1. Time Limit at the beginning of a Duel will be changed to 300 seconds
- Time Limit at the beginning of a Duel: 300 Seconds.
- Time added at the beginning of your turn: 90 Seconds.
- Time Limit will not exceed 300 Seconds even if it's added
Scheduled Date: October 11th 2022
2. Time Limit will be added at the beginning of both players' turn
- Time added at the beginning of your turn: 60 Seconds.
- Time added at the beginning of the opponent's turn: 30 Seconds.
- Time Limit will not exceed 300 Seconds even if it's added
Scheduled Date: November - December 2022
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!