Tournament Information


  • Single Elimation, BO3
  • 1 Deck, No Side

Top 16 Breakdown

Top Decklists - Prize Support: 30 Euro

1st Place –

45 cards
2 copies
Effect Veiler
Droll & Lock Bird
Kurikara Divincarnate
Snake-Eye Ash
Snake-Eye Oak
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Poplar
Legendary Fire King Ponix
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Fire King Avatar Arvata
2 copies
Fire King Courtier Ulcanix
3 copies
Diabellstar the Black Witch
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
Fire King Avatar Rangbali
2 copies
Fire King High Avatar Kirin
Sacred Fire King Garunix
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Fire King High Avatar Garunix
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
One for One
Triple Tactics Talent
2 copies
Triple Tactics Thrust
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
2 copies
Fire King Island
Fire King Sanctuary
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
Fire King Sky Burn
Infinite Impermanence
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Relinquished Anima
Salamangreat Raging Phoenix
Decode Talker Heatsoul
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
I:P Masquerena
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
S:P Little Knight
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

2nd Place –

60 cards
Jet Synchron
Snake-Eye Ash
Snake-Eye Oak
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Poplar
3 copies
Maxx "C"
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Tearlaments Havnis
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
2 copies
Fairy Tail - Snow
3 copies
Tearlaments Reinoheart
2 copies
Tearlaments Scheiren
Keldo the Sacred Protector
Mudora the Sword Oracle
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Tearlaments Kashtira
2 copies
Diabellstar the Black Witch
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
Duamutef, Blessing of Horus
Hapi, Guidance of Horus
Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus
3 copies
Imsety, Glory of Horus
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Reinforcement of the Army
Foolish Burial Goods
That Grass Looks Greener
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye
2 copies
Triple Tactics Thrust
2 copies
Walls of the Imperial Tomb
Primeval Planet Perlereino
Tearlaments Scream
2 copies
King's Sarcophagus
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Forbidden Droplet
Tearlaments Heartbeat
Rainbow Bridge of Salvation
Tearlaments Metanoise
Tearlaments Sulliek
Tearlaments Cryme
Tearlaments Kitkallos
Tearlaments Rulkallos
Borreload Savage Dragon
Baronne de Fleur
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
Abyss Dweller
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
The Zombie Vampire
S:P Little Knight
Predaplant Verte Anaconda
I:P Masquerena
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Topologic Zeroboros
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion

3rd/4th Place –

40 cards
3 copies
Effect Veiler
Snake-Eye Ash
2 copies
Snake-Eye Oak
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Poplar
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill
Kashtira Fenrir
2 copies
Kashtira Unicorn
3 copies
Diabellstar the Black Witch
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
Nibiru, the Primal Being
One for One
2 copies
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
Pressured Planet Wraitsoth
Kashtira Birth
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Baronne de Fleur
Knightmare Phoenix
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
I:P Masquerena
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
Spright Elf
S:P Little Knight
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Salamangreat Raging Phoenix
Accesscode Talker
Pitknight Earlie

3rd/4th Place –