Tournament Information


  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck w/ 15-Card Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.


Top Decklists - Prize Support: 15€ | ~$17 USD

1st Place –

40 cards
3 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Firewall Guardian
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
2 copies
Mathmech Sigma
Mathmech Subtraction
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Mathmech Circular
2 copies
Firewall Defenser
2 copies
Parallel eXceed
Gatchiri @Ignister
Nibiru, the Primal Being
2 copies
Cynet Mining
Mathmech Equation
Lightning Storm
Triple Tactics Talent
2 copies
Small World
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Mathmech Superfactorial
Cyberse Desavewurm
Primathmech Laplacian
Primathmech Alembertian
Mereologic Aggregator
Salamangreat Almiraj
Link Decoder
Update Jammer
2 copies
Splash Mage
G Golem Crystal Heart
Transcode Talker
Decode Talker Heatsoul
Accesscode Talker
Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz

2nd Place –

44 cards
2 copies
Droll & Lock Bird
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Fiendish Rhino Warrior
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Unchained Twins - Aruha
Unchained Twins - Rakea
Unchained Twins - Sarama
3 copies
Unchained Soul of Sharvara
Unchained Soul of Shyama
Unchained Soul of Disaster
Abominable Unchained Soul
D/D/D Vice King Requiem
Nibiru, the Primal Being
3 copies
Abomination's Prison
Triple Tactics Talent
Pot of Prosperity
3 copies
Dark Contract with the Gate
Wailing of the Unchained Souls
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Abominable Chamber of the Unchained
2 copies
Escape of the Unchained
D/D/D Stone King Darius
2 copies
D/D/D Wave High King Caesar
D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
2 copies
Unchained Soul Lord of Yama
2 copies
Unchained Soul of Rage
Muckraker From the Underworld
S:P Little Knight
Knightmare Unicorn
2 copies
Unchained Soul of Anguish
Unchained Abomination
Side Deck
2 copies
D.D. Crow
3 copies
Lava Golem
Heavy Storm
Herald of the Abyss
Triple Tactics Talent
3 copies
Triple Tactics Thrust
Dimensional Barrier
Evenly Matched
Rivalry of Warlords

3rd/4th Place –

60 cards
Despian Tragedy
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Fallen of Albaz
2 copies
Aluber the Jester of Despia
Springans Kitt
2 copies
Tri-Brigade Mercourier
Tearlaments Scheiren
3 copies
Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous
2 copies
Guiding Quem, the Virtuous
Bystial Magnamhut
Bystial Saronir
D/D/D Vice King Requiem
3 copies
Albion the Shrouded Dragon
Chaos Nephthys
The Bystial Lubellion
Gold Sarcophagus
3 copies
Allure of Darkness
Pot of Desires
That Grass Looks Greener
3 copies
Fusion Deployment
Triple Tactics Talent
Branded in White
Branded Fusion
Foolish Burial
3 copies
Triple Tactics Thrust
Branded Lost
2 copies
Called by the Grave
2 copies
Branded Opening
3 copies
Branded in High Spirits
2 copies
Branded in Red
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Fusion Duplication
Branded Retribution
Predaplant Dragostapelia
Borreload Furious Dragon
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon
2 copies
Albion the Branded Dragon
Despian Quaeritis
2 copies
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon
Lubellion the Searing Dragon
2 copies
Granguignol the Dusk Dragon
Rindbrumm the Striking Dragon
Albion the Sanctifire Dragon
Guardian Chimera
Side Deck
Masquerade the Blazing Dragon
3 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
3 copies
Lightning Storm
Dimensional Barrier
3 copies
Evenly Matched
Brightest, Blazing, Branded King

3rd/4th Place – Kindiaka

  • This List in an approximation based on observation