Tournament Information


  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck w/ 15-Card Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.


Top Decklists - Prize Support: R$70,00 | ~$14 USD

1st Place –

40 cards
3 copies
Droll & Lock Bird
Jet Synchron
Kurikara Divincarnate
3 copies
Snake-Eye Ash
Snake-Eye Birch
2 copies
Snake-Eye Oak
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Poplar
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Diabellstar the Black Witch
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
2 copies
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
One for One
2 copies
Where Arf Thou?
Triple Tactics Talent
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
3 copies
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Formula Synchron
Borreload Savage Dragon
Baronne de Fleur
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
Downerd Magician
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
I:P Masquerena
Knightmare Unicorn
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Side Deck
D.D. Crow
3 copies
Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician
Kurikara Divincarnate
3 copies
Contact "C"
2 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
3 copies
Evenly Matched
2 copies
Red Reboot

2nd Place –

40 cards
PSY-Frame Driver
3 copies
D.D. Crow
3 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Droll & Lock Bird
2 copies
Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
Superheavy Samurai Stealthy
3 copies
Maxx "C"
2 copies
PSY-Framegear Gamma
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ancient Gear Box
Superheavy Samurai Scales
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Wagon
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
Infinitrack Tunneller
Therion "King" Regulus
2 copies
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
Borreload Savage Dragon
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
Baronne de Fleur
Springans Merrymaker
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
Gigantic “Champion” Sargas
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
2 copies
Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow
Qliphort Genius
I:P Masquerena
Ancient Gear Ballista
Knightmare Unicorn
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Side Deck
Stardust Dragon
PSY-Framelord Omega
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
2 copies
Kurikara Divincarnate
2 copies
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 copies
Archfiend Eccentrick
2 copies
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
2 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being

3rd/4th Place – ★MAHORAGA★

40 cards
PSY-Frame Driver
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Droll & Lock Bird
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
Superheavy Samurai Stealthy
3 copies
Maxx "C"
2 copies
PSY-Framegear Gamma
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Superheavy Samurai Scales
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Wagon
3 copies
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
Spell Canceller
3 copies
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
3 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi
Borreload Savage Dragon
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
Tilting Entrainment
Baronne de Fleur
Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
2 copies
Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow
Qliphort Genius
Knightmare Phoenix
Saryuja Skull Dread
Accesscode Talker
Side Deck
Steelswarm Roach
Number 106: Giant Hand
Gagaga Samurai
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
3 copies
D.D. Crow
Ancient Gear Box
Infinitrack Tunneller
Bystial Druiswurm
Bystial Saronir
Bystial Baldrake
3 copies
Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju

3rd/4th Place –

40 cards
3 copies
Droll & Lock Bird
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Firewall Guardian
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
Mathmech Sigma
Mathmech Subtraction
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Mathmech Circular
3 copies
Firewall Defenser
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Nibiru, the Primal Being
2 copies
Cynet Mining
Mathmech Equation
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
3 copies
Small World
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Mathmech Superfactorial
Cyberse Desavewurm
Primathmech Laplacian
Primathmech Alembertian
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
Link Decoder
Update Jammer
Splash Mage
G Golem Crystal Heart
Transcode Talker
Decode Talker Heatsoul
Accesscode Talker
Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz
The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister
Firewall Dragon Singularity
Side Deck
3 copies
D.D. Crow
2 copies
Effect Veiler
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
2 copies
Dark Ruler No More
2 copies
Lightning Storm
2 copies
Forbidden Droplet
2 copies
Evenly Matched
Infinite Impermanence