Evil twin

from on May 28th, 2022
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Yo guys. This is my evil twin with cyberse support deck. It’s still work in progress I’m trying to find what is the most consistent. At the moment it’s this because it got a lot of extenders

Your best ending board on the field contains of: 1x I:P 1x abyss dweller 1x evil twin ki-Sikill (And if you got lucky draws you got 1-2 negates in your hand)

The follow up win: Step 1. use I:p and abyss dweller to go into knightmare unicorn to send a card back to the deck.

Step 2. Use knightmare unicorn and evil twin Lil-la to link into accescode talker

Step 3. Re-summon evil twin Lil-la with the effect of Ki-sikill and pop an extra card(now your locked into fiend type monsters)

Step 4. Make Unchained Abomination and win

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