Pure Kaiju

from on May 30th, 2022
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Handtraps are just Nibiru for Rhongo, and Maxx C to bait ash (No need for ash) Waterfront can get ashed and its still card advantage for you Avoid giving Kaijus with quick effects unless you can run them over without activating effects (Especially moth and turtle) Files is a chokepoint in getting ashed, always bait with Waterfront first

Radian+Capture+4 Counters

  • Activate Raidan summoning 1 token

  • Activate Capture on Raidan

  • Flip summon Raidan and activate again for 2nd token

*Not on turn of summon

If you have several kaijus on hand+Capture:

  • Activate Capture on your own current kaiju

  • You can now special summon another kaiju

  • Normal summon any monster (Likely a handtrap)

  • Link into Masquerena

  • Flip summon previous kaiju

  • Activate Masquerena next turn for interrupt

*Radian combo above can be used to link into Masquerena with just the tokens

DPE engine works well to fuel Waterfront counters Waterfront can be a target for DPE for 0 cost

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