Alien Ogdoadic

from on June 30th, 2022
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Managed to just barely hit Diamond 5 with this deck this season. I would play it for more but there's no time left in the season and I'm pretty happy leaving it where it is now.

Going first this deck has a lot of solid starters (Snake Rain, Ramifications, Nunu, even Chaos Space), and with gamma in the deck you'll want that to resolve to get even more bang for your buck in the form of a starting board. Without gamma, you can often end on Slicer lock + Baronne + Savage Dragon. ****, a lot of the time even just Slicer lock and Baronne were enough to win me games, and that's a very easy end board to make. I have the chaos cards in this deck to help extend the end board into eventually creating Savage Dragon. The key to this is to get out Seals using the 2 baby dragons, then tribute seals with Keurse or Aleritt to get out Stardust Dragon. Then you can use Water Lily to special summon Coatl from grave and make Savage. There are some plays where tributing a second time to have Stardust come out a second time are definitely possible, and when you do that you'll likely be able to end on at least a 3 material Apollousa.

So I think a best case scenario board would be Slicer Lock + Baronne + Savage Dragon + 3 material Apollousa. Pretty insane endboard for Reptiles eh?

The rest of the deck is standard going second staples and some reptiles extenders to help make good endboards.

You can watch replays of me playing this deck via my ID here: 842-807-520

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