Black Luster Soldier
from on August 27th, 2022Notes & Combos
Use gateway NS Neo space, SS Aqua use his discard effect and discard the bls ritual, Link into isolde then grab either a lvl 4 dark or light if you don't have one and if you do grab BLS envoy, then send an equip spell grab renaud.
Use his effect to grab living fossil back and use it on neo space. at this point you should have at least three cards sent to the gy for gateway's effect.
grab the spell then link into cross sheep, ritual summon into BLS then cross sheep will allow 2 cards and after that and you discard 2 cards. Use neo effect to send himself to gy to grab aqua and use his effect again to discard a card and this time if there was a monster to strong now there shouldn't be because you have 3000 atk BLS.
Hopefully you have a monster you can special summon, do that then link into Apoullousa use BLS effect to banish a card in their hand and if all goes right you discarded three cards from their hand and have a multi monster negate with BLS on field.
If you can get Apollousa out with origin In the graveyard you can set up more negates because he resets her atk points
Team NDL BLS Video (TCG/MD):
One Hour Video on basic deck building: