Cactus Floodgate
from on September 17th, 2022Notes & Combos
Cactus Deck. Summon Cactus and win.
1 Card combo summons an untargetable Cactus Bouncer along with 3 or 4 interruptions. So it's very powerful going first. Not so much going second.
The deck has 13 Loci searchers, for a total of 16 cards that do the combo. So there's about an 80% chance to draw the full combo going first. You can drop the decksize to 40 if you want more consistency, but you lose a lot of hand traps and can easily lose key cards to runick banish.
Sweet Marjoram makes all plants untargetable, which makes it very difficult to remove Cactus Bouncer, and requires non-targetting techs like Lightning Storm, Raigeki, Forbidden Droplet, Evenly Matched or Dark Ruler No More. Although the classic floodgates like Skill Drain, Gozen Match and There Can Be Only One also counter the deck.
Mathmech, Swordsoul and Branded cards don't have an out to the Cactus, so the full combo is practically an FTK against them.
Runick spells also can't do much once Cactus and Sweet Marjoram are both on the field, but they do play floodgates that beat the deck.
Player ID: 973-115-336
The replays going first are good to learn how the combo works.
Replay 1: Salamangreat bricks, but then Maxx C challenge. Lethal through Nibiru. Going second.
Replay 2: Heroes. OTK after getting Evenly Matched. Going first.
Replay 3: Mathmech Maxx C Challenge. Going second.
Replay 4: Runick Maxx C challenge. Going second.
Replay 5: Branded can't summon anything. Going first.
Replay 6: 6k Arrival. Going second.
Replay 7: Plasma and Absolute Zero. Going second.