Libromancer Mathmech Synchro Combo
from on March 22nd, 2023Notes & Combos
081-573-510 - Public Replays on my profile.
Libromancer & Mathmech combine to create a powerful 2 card combo engine capable of putting up an end board of:
- DPE+Scythe
- Baronne De Fleur
- Colossus
- I:P Masquerena
- Superfactorial w/ 3 names in grave including Diameter
AS part of the combo, Power tool Braver Dragon is also summoned and smoke grenade can be used.
There are many different routes to combo the deck but the main 2 card combo combinations are as follows:
- Diviner + Geek Boy
- Diviner + Libro Fire
- Diviner + E-Teleport
- Geek Boy + Preparation of Rites
- Geek Boy + Cyber Angel Benten
- E-Teleport + Preparation of Rites
- E-Teleport + Cyber Angel Benten
- Libro Fire + Preparation of Rites
- Libro Fire + Cyber Angel Benten
Engines Used:
- Libromancer
- Mathmech
- Yang Zing
- Scythe
- PowerToolBraverDragon w/ SmokeGrenade & Rod of Silence
- Colossus = Cupid Pitch + Nemeses Corridor
- Diviner of the Herald