Exercising Sisters

from on April 11th, 2023
44 cards

Notes & Combos

DD Crow to help trigger Martha if she's on feld.

Deck is constructed to lean almost entirely on the main deck exosisters, hence most of them being run at 3 or 2.

Irene at 1 due to her subpar effect, only benefit is to have a target for Vardis as Sophia is her partner.

Sophia at 2 thanks to her search.

All other sisters at 3 as they can get multiple bodies on the board.

Combo Line vs Tears: Martha, Pax and Returnia in hand.

  • Pax Searches Sophia/Stella/Elise (PAX first to bait potential Ash) Search Ellise as a last resort, save her for Martha searches

  • Martha trigger to get her and Elise, roll into Kaspitell

  • Kaspitell Searches Sophia/Stella, whichever you dind't search with PAX

  • Normal Summon Stella > Use Stella to SS Sophia OR Normal Summon Sophia, use Ellise to SS herself.

  • Use Sophia to draw 1

  • SS Mikailis, search Armament.

  • Set Returnia & Armament

  • End Phase

  • Opponent's Draw Phase, trigger armament to SS Asophiel using Kaspitell as material.

  • Trigger Asophiel effect to kill GY effects.

  • Time usage of returnia to SS Magnifica

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