
Attribute 4 from on April 21st, 2023
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Just a standard-ish going second Charmer list. As always, thanks to Caam & co for inspiration.

For those new to this type of deck, the idea is to always go second and try to break the opponent's board with going second staples, and using the link-2 charmers to revive opponent monsters to help push for lethal or play control with their own monster negates (a bit more viable in a slower-ish festival like this).

  • The monster stealing spells help with accessing the right link-2 charmer.
  • The maindeck charmer package that searches Awakening of the Possessed helps with pushing for lethal and providing attributes.
  • The Sky Striker package is a link-2 charmer by itself with Drones->Kagari->Drones.

With Gryphon & Illegal Knight gone, I feel extra confident ditching the Adventure package for more blind second staples. There's a bit of conflict between Lava Golem and the normal summons, but it hasn't been too bad for me. Golem's payoff vs Umi stun (tributing over both Electric Jellyfish and Kairyu-Shin) has been nice enough for me to put up with the awkwardness.


Vespenato is for an alternative to linking off a stolen XYZ monster. It would have saved my keister in a recent-ish grind game against 1 XYZ monster where I had Mind Control and no normal summon to pair with it, so I've been running it ever since. I haven't used Knightmare Cerberus in recent memory, so I'd also like to switch it to Gaia Dragon for the same reason: the match I lost the spree was versus Vernusylph Madolche and Mudora turned off using Aussa, whereas Gaia Dragon over their Puddingcess XYZ would have been enough bodies to clear the board. Potentially too specific though.

There's also a case to be made for Sky Striker Shizuku for WATER access. 2x Hiita has come up enough to feel justified, but 2x Aussa less so. Niche either way though.

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