
Top 4 in Factory Cup S6#9 from on May 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Rules of Strong Synchrons Deck by No.1 Synchrons in Master Duel

1 Play 40 Cards.

2 Don't add many brick cards to the deck.

3 Don't add many brick engines to the deck.

4 Add 10+ Hand Trap to the deck.

5 Add MaxxC and D.Shifter to the deck.

6 The Deck List can counter all Hand Trap in META.

7 The Deck List can play going First or Second.

8 Focus Stability of the deck.

9 Focus Flexibility of the deck.

10 Don't believe anyone who recommends add many Brick Cards or Brick Engines to you.

Ps.I feel bad that new Synchrons players are often introduced by stupid people(some people in YT,Discord,Deck Helper,etc.)

I hope my message helps.

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