
Dark VS. Light from on August 29th, 2023
cp-ur 90 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a budget Eldlich deck. Luckily for me, I got Eldlich during my new player pulls, so I did not need to craft any SR or UR for this deck besides the Pot which I get a full refund in the next banlist.

If I was willing to invest more, I would have Evenly Match, Ice Dragon's Prison, Waking Dragon, Harpie's Feather Duster, Solemn Strike, etc. In other words, I would have stronger traps, but I am using Torrential, Chaos Trap Hole, Ring of Destruction, etc. instead.

This Eldlich deck plays like most Eldlich decks. Try to get your boss monster on the field as soon as possible; control the duel with your traps to disrupt their plays. Be careful of setting all of your interuptions if you do not have Solemn Judgement or Golden Land Forever set.

The Extra Deck is irrelevant; fill it all up to 15 extra for Pot and just put in high atk monsters for Dogma. If you have N'tss or Zeus, you can put those in, but I did not.

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