Magical Musket

Dark VS. Light from on August 20th, 2023
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 630
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Player id: 018-478-910

My DARK event deck is Guardian Chimera Turbo and for the LIGHT event I've decided to play the same deck than during the previous event since I really enjoyed it.

The deck is great in going first and going second and I would really like to play it in regular ranked.

The only reason I'm not playing it there is because I know Konamis 'randomized shuffler' since season 1 and as soon as I would be in a high winstreak with this deck a series of duels would start where all Musket spells and traps are at the top of the deck ;-)

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Playlists with PvP gameplay:

  • Just Master Duel Magical Musket gameplay:

  • Just Master Duel Runick gameplay:

  • Gameplay from all Master Duel seasons in general (with different decks):

  • Gameplay from all Duel Links seasons in general (with different decks):