
Dark VS. Light from on August 18th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is pretty good, especially going second. With the Mathmech cards, you can easily summon a lot of level 4's for your Xyz plays. It can still make a decent turn 1 endboard but it's pretty weak against interactions and stuff like Impermanence or any kind of negate cards.

The general combo involves spamming your board with level 4's to make Utopia Double. Do take in mind that if you already have Double or Nothing in your hand or you drew into it with Xyz Change Tactics, DO NOT MAKE UTOPIA DOUBLE. Seriously, I keep making this same mistake and I end up scooping cuz of my stupidity. You won't be able to use Utopia Double's effect to add Double or Nothing and Xyz Summon into a Utopia, if you already have Double or Nothing in your hand.

If you went first, you normally want to go for a Draco Future, but if it's not possible due to lack of resources, you can go for Leo Utopia Ray or Utopia Ray Victory. Draco Future is a guaranteed negate and can permanently steal one of your opponent's monsters but use it wisely. Just because Draco Future is immune to card or battle destruction, doesn't mean he's immune to everything else. Leo Utopia Ray would be like your giant wall (make sure it's an attack) that would be hard to deal with, especially since he can grab ZW equip cards. Generally, getting Lightning Blade is the best option as this protects your Leo Utopia from destruction effects as well as all your face-up ZW cards. If you already have Lightning Blade through the effect of Armed Sage, you can grab ZW Leo Arms with Leo Utopia's effect instead.

I would also like to point out that Leo Utopia's effect of getting a ZW Equip Monster cannot be negated, but his second ability to negate and halve a monster's attack can. So be wary of using his effects.

As for going second, it's the usual Utopia OTK. Use any board breaker cards if needed, then summon level 4's, then Xyz into Utopia Double, then add any of the stuff you got through Armed Sage and Ascended Sage if you used them for the Xyz Summon, then Xyz into Vanilla Utopia. Take in mind that with Utopia Double's effect, you can't attack directly, so that's what Shien's Spy is for. If you have an extra monster you can summon like a Mathmech Sigma (this effect locks you into Cyberse cards so be careful) in your GY, then use it. Then attack with Utopia, use Utopia's effect to negate the battle, activate Double or Nothing, then attack again.

I'm gonna include my replays soon.

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