
Diamond I from on April 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list is purpose-built to beat Tearlaments and let me tell you, it does exactly that. You don't have to just take my word for it though because I tracked my games through Diamond and won 68% of my Tear matchups. Not bad.

Numerons has a bunch of things in its favour in the matchup:

  • Maxx C: Tear players are not running many Maxx C responses, so it almost always resolves, and they usually extend into it. Opening the bug, in this format, with these cards to draw into... it feels like cheating.
  • Kaijus: Tearlament monsters do not trigger when Kaiju'd off the board since they aren't being sent by effect.
  • Traps: The Tear traps all require a Tear on board, so if you remove the monsters with Lava Golem/Kaijus, the backrow is dead.
  • Havnis: Can't activate in the Damage Step, so it's useless against the Gates. A dead card in this matchup.
  • Avramax: Actually quite a pain for Tears to out for the games where you can't quite OTK.
  • Abyss Dweller: Completely irrelevant.

As for some specific card choices:

  • Small World is a must-play 3 of because we're not on Planet Pathfinder (clashes with Golem and Volcanic Queen) and you need access to Numeron Wall. Some choices are mainly for Small World (Ash and Ghost Belle are usually just bridges for it).
  • 3x Volcanic Queen because it's a non once-per-turn Kaiju and priority #1 is removing all Tear names
  • Duster and Lightning Storm for coverage in other matchups and for destroying the Field spell. Plus the floating effects of all the Tear backrow don't matter, they can't add anything to their hand that will stop your OTK.
  • 3 Calling because playing 2 is too risky that they get milled
  • 1x Archfiend Eccentrick and 1x Garuda as backrow hate searchable off Small World
  • Red Reboot is insane, lets you respond to Cryme if you couldn't turn it off, free win against heavy backrow decks, not even once per turn lol

Once you remove Rulkallos and are safe from backrow, pop the Field spell if they have it so they can't use a shuffler in GY to send back a Tear and pop a card. Only other way Tear is escaping the OTK is if they have Orange Light in hand, or Kelbek/sometimes Agido in hand if you used Network to send Calling (always play Calling from hand if you have it).

For other matchups, common anti-Tear stuff is not that bad (Exosister is easy, Dark Law/Arc Light turbo is an easy Kaiju, Floo is tougher but doable). Even Dimension Shifter you can beat with Network+Calling in hand. Just a great format for Numerons right now.

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