
Diamond I from on April 17th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 570
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Easiest cuts are Helshaddoll, second Gravekeeper's Trap, and probably Ariel. She's good at forcing shufflers and saving your own shuffle activation on your opponents turn and shine in the grind game, but not really a good card. Extradeck cut would be I:P, she's almost useless. Her effect would be huge, if you could use it during BP to answer Evenly matched, but you can't, which leaves her purposeless. I would put in another Super Poly target for her, but there's nothing to help against Floow/Exosister, so just take a seat in the Garura waiting room. Play another rank 4 Xyz for the time, or keep for that very niche scenario in which you want that destruction immunity.

Always just mill with Kelbek/Agido, you're playing the pile, you should be winning that war most of the time! Also, ignore Maxx C. Scout for what they're playing with Ishizu mills and build a board for their deck. Better than passing anyway.

Cards you might wanna play are Maxx C, Foolish Burial and TTT, but you can't cut any good mills for it. The deck would like more mills, not less.

Don't cut Super Poly. Only villains do that.

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Most recent like 5 replays are with this deck. Below is some Reptile stuff.
