Code Talker

Diamond I from on February 11th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Code talker control ft. decode talker heatsoul. Got 9 winstreak with this in diamond 2/3 then diamond 1 not too long after. Whilst this deck may seem like a bad mathmech clone, it certainly put in a lot of work, had it's own advantages over the deck (sure, its not meta, but it deserves more credit), and it actually managed a well over positive winrate Vs. mathmech on ladder. Keep in mind, however, runick is not a very pleasant matchup. whether your going first or second, deck lacks hard negates, and theres a good chance they pop conflict/solemn. so red reboot is your only reliable out in this matchup - that or you get lucky.

Some unique advantages of this deck: it has a smaller engine, giving more room for techs, the deck has multiple starters and doesn't rely on a set combo line, and the deck has a decent grind game for a cyberse deck, as you really only need to heatsoul pass in most cases.

The best starters in your deck are lady debug and circular. In case you brick, you can go non starter (say substraction) + handtrap into almiraj - splash mage - heatsoul. bricking is generally a good thing in this deck, because most of the time that means you opened 4 solemns or a ton of HTs. In case you have more materials, you go: monster on field into either; i) splash mage or ii) code talker (if you have code generator or micro in hand); then either heatsoul pass, or if you have an extender, you go transcode instead, reborn link 2, and then into heatsoul. another extender could grant you firewall dragon if you feel the need (tho dont do this if they have no HT delay as that likely means they're on runick/ backrow). I can't explain all the lines, the deck is pretty non linear, but its also very intuitive, so feel free to play around.

Now I'll discuss tech choices. Main deck: handtrap lineup is standard, I settled on 12 as it felt optimal, also I felt I was getting diminishing returns on the lesser used stuff like droll, also imperm is not too optimal as its dead off heatsoul opp turn. Ratios seem balanced between engine, HTs and traps. 3 solemn and 2 strike were really clutch. 2 reboot counters runick and mathmech, most importantly. triple tactics is optional. crosswipe is searchable, tho not very powerful. In extra deck, everything is standard, except masq for destruction protect, link disciple for target protect, firewall as extra interrupt, and security to bait negates. You could add: inverted, second access, avramax. feel free to find what suits.

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Vs. @ignister (beer baron) Vs. Mathmech (Ky_MK)

Enjoy :)

(Note: deck had some differences in the @ignister replay, but at it's core standard)