Notes & Combos
Mostly vs some Spright variant from d5 to d1.
Most annoying was going second vs Twin Spright locking you with Iblee and Scythe (that is not banned for some reason), however the Runick engine makes it so you dont insta lose, giving you fighting chances (vs any Spright matchup going second).
Things to watch out:
- The deck can play into 2-3 disruptions going 1st depending on hand, but you insta lose to maxx C, hence the 6 outs to it (some mad lads also run 2 Gamma which makes the ratio 3 Maxx C / 8 outs )
- Runick Slumber stops Ogre which is popular vs Spright
- Toggle On when going second in the mirror match so you can activate Runick cards in draw phase or Standby phase as Spright Elf and IP:Masq activate in Main phase, also you can dodge Effect Veiler
- Dont forget that Spright Elf makes linked monsters untargetable which can make Runick cards miss if you activated them ( I totally did not forget)
- You can definetely set Spright Starter going first but remember that it locks you into Link/Rank 2 for the rest of the turn. So make sure you activate IP:Masq beforehand
- Zeus never came out nor Borreload though he is a nice out to Avramax. Onibimaru also did not come up often, I feel he is not that great in the mirror match.