Sky Striker

Diamond I from on February 18th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Reject handtraps, embrace lava golem. The top decks in the format, most notably spright, can play through just about every handtrap, so I've decided to play none (except ash because of maxx-c, otherwise I would even consider cutting it) and instead focus on a pure going second build of one of the best going second decks.

The great thing about sky strikes is that you don't need to normal summon to go through all your plays. You can special summon via linkage, destroying your own area zero (with multirole of in a case of emergency afterburners) so we can fit in all 3 copies of lava golem.

After being a desires denier on strikers for so long I gotta say, it feels really good and it'll help you get to the golem or any other card you need. Tactics is also very good so I like running both. The only card I would cut is change of heart which does absolutely nothing, and if I had UR dust I would replace it for a 2nd lightning storm or even the striker kaiju for some matchups like ignister and marincess.

Like I said in the beginning, since a lot of the top decks can play through any handtrap, SAVE YOUR ASH FOR MAXX-C ON YOUR TURN, I know it's tempting to use it but trust me, you won't regret saving it (unless it's a card you absolutely have to ash like branded fusion)

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Replays: 851-987-618