
Diamond I from on February 26th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I found evenly match really usefull to deal with heavy backrow decks and spright because they usually summon Red instead of carrot. TTT is usefull going first and second but sometimes is a brick so i'm thinking to remove it for another copy of red and pixies.

In the extradeck Almiraj is a 1 card combo when you open only with swap frog and in certain circumstances can protect gigantic from ghost ogre. Zeroboros is summoned by masquerena effect and thanks to spright elf can banish all cards on the field. I summoned Avramax only two times from diamond V to diamond I so i'm thinking to replace him with a third copy of elf for a better grind game or with a copy o Dhark to help in the mirror match.

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