
Diamond I from on February 28th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list a project that took me hours to solve. It involved hours of practice and deckbuilding with a little bit of statistics via programming.

Why did I take so much time to make my own build instead of playing Runick Spright like everyone else? I didn't want to be at the mercy of "skillfully draw Lava Golem" because I have skill issue, and I didn't want to have to "skillfully draw 2+ HTs to not lose" like Pure Spright does. So I had to try to come up with a build that would give me more control on the outcome of each game.

What does it mean to have "control over the outcome of a game"? In this game, the player going first always has the upper hand, and controls the flow of the game. And if they don't want to give you a chance to outplay them, you will have to rely on drawing better than them, which is something I don't want to rely on.

Is there anything that can reverse that tendency? Yes high impact cards like Droplet, Maxx C, even TTT to some extent, etc.

So how exactly did all of that lead to this exact build ? That is something I have no answer to. I just did hours and hours of testings and found out that it worked. I have nothing better to do with my time :) My goal was to make my deck as consistent as possible at creating complex gamestates, where I dictate how the game goes. Even when my opponent has the advantage because they won the coinflip, I want to put them in situations where they have to play perfectly, because any misplay would lose them the game (assuming I don't misplay either haha). And I feel like this build does that pretty well, I'm pretty happy with it!

So why did you not run more high impact cards like Dark Ruler no More, Evenly Matched or Gamma for instance? I also wanted my build to still be as good as other builds when I go first. I tried other options but they just ended up making my endboards collapse against decks that are strong going second like Swordsoul and Branded.

Results with this list? -Top 6 in a 512 player Challenger Cup (went 8-1 with it) -Diamond 1 in February -Maybe more to come

Conclusion? If there is anything to remember, it's to not be afraid to mess around with your builds, try new things, see when they work and when they don't, repeat for as long as it takes for you to be satisfied. This was a very enjoyable project, I had a lot of fun even if it probably took me a lot more than 24 hours of testings before the deck was even released.

Just have fun and mess around with the game. That's how miracles happen!

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543-451-989 Top replay is vs adam going second. Enjoy the board breaking.

I actually have too many good games with this list and not enough available spots for replays so there's only 1 for now...