
Diamond I from on January 7th, 2023
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 420
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Shoutouts to Neil for the original decklist!

Modified the deck a bit to suit my own preferences (i.e. more handtraps), at the cost of a bit of power/options). Branded Sword vs Banishment is always the main dilemma - though with Aluber at 2, I think Sword becomes a bit more relevant since it can recycle Kitt, even though Banishment was a nice backup plan vs decks like Scareclaw and works wonders in the mirror.

The mirror was a bit tougher against the handtrap-heavy 40-cards variant of the Deck (since they draw into specific handtraps more easily), unless you manage to gain enough card advantage (via Allure/Grass etc.); on the other hand, you brick less often and can sometimes play through stuff like Ash Blossom and Impermanence/Veiler better. Since it's 60, you also have less chance of things like Allure drawing into another Allure which is nice.

Extra Deck-wise, Brigrand and Lenatus are the free spots if needed. Verte comes up every now and then.

Cut Desires to 2 because I'm more wary of getting all my Alubers banished; 3 is honestly still fine, but I don't want my Tragedies to run out of target that fast (hence also the addition of Comedy, which could also be Dramaturge) and Desires can also be a double-edged sword against another Grass deck.

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