
Diamond I from on January 17th, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 810
40 cards

Notes & Combos

2 Prohibition = Duster, LStorm, Cosmic, Fountain, BFusion, Evenly - "I declare it as INVALID " - depends on your intuition, even handtraps

Or just type BLOCK DRAGON impulsively and watch Adamancipator go #RIPBozo

0 Extravagant POTS = less consistent but more floodgates coz we all love heckingates + unreliable with Cherries when used T1

2 Royal Decree = give it to Labrynth mommies and Dinomorphing simps + works against TCBOO, Gozen, Mistake

1 DRNM = unfair omni-negate boards or brick

3 Winter Cherries = prevent same old oppressive decks like Adam A, So-Soul, Braindead, Dragon Kink, Ben 10

Chosen targets:

  • Alembertian, not Sigma coz most Mathkek I faced don't even run Sigma kekw
  • Arc Light = Drytron, MegaLIT, Libromancer + other Ritual decks
  • Mirrorjade for Braindead - still does alot with Masquerade, also if they're using Braindead variants like TD/Dolls/others
  • Hugin coz I'm not a 😭-chad. Sorry my Runick bro/sis. I heckin love Runick.
  • Granite = Adam search for Bozo Dragon
  • Ki-sikil because it's funny for Lil-la to lose her twin #LunaANDSunny4Life #TeamTroubleSunny
  • Anemone for Marinseggs


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