Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade

Diamond I from on January 19th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the same list I played for DC Cup. It was fine had an 18-game win streak getting from plat to diamond. Diamond was rough primarily cuz of Maxx c. Decent enough matchups against all the meta decks.

Going first against otk: If your opponent chooses to go second make assembled instead of robin endboard and activate in draw phase (The effect is no battle damage at all for the turn). Screws over going second otk like numeron and kaiju luna unless they hard draw droplet. Wanted to note this since I saw a ton of numeron in gold/play.

Shoutout to all the Dinomorphia players this season for never reading recital starlings effect.

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