Gunkan Suship

Diamond I from on July 12th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck aims to go 2nd and stun the opponent with hand traps into ending on a manageable board, or to blow them out with cards like Lightning Storm + Droplets. Depending on your opening hand I’d often recommend saving Imperms for your own turn to act like Forbidden Chalice(s).

In the rare instances you go 1st the deck struggles more but can still take wins through Bagooska, F0, Droplets, Imperms, and generic XYZ spam. The only deck currently going 2nd is (mostly) Numeron, which often runs Lava Golem and Lighting Storm, neither of which handle a defense position Bagooska.

While deck building I tampered around with +1 Uni and the Painful Decision setup, I found this quite strong but more beneficial in a going 1st build that is combined with the Phantom Knight Lvl 4 trap + Time Thief support. While I do agree this build is strong, I wouldn’t recommend it since its nowhere near comparable to what decks are prepared to deal with going 2nd. Something else to consider: Utopia Double which is WONDERFUL and very aggressive but requires a brick.

Descriptions are short here so that’s all I can really talk about. Play around with the deck for some basic combos, though admittedly the deck can really do some shinanigans once you figure out niche interactions.

MD ID: 091-690-479

^ Add me if you’d like to playtest against it or show off your rogue neat decks :D

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