Invoked P.U.N.K.

Diamond I from on June 5th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 660
43 cards

Notes & Combos

added feather and token collector to deal with tons of eldlich and sowrdsoul, but since I added 3 token collectors, I never seen sowrdsoul ever again lol, depending on the rank environment the anount of token collector can be adjust. When the brave engine came out I will definitely keep the 3 token collector for the main. The rest are just try to make verte dpe and vfd plus the invoked engine to win the game. I personally do not like to use vfd effect in the draw phase as I do not know what deck my opponent is playing, if i got kaijued then I got kaijued. If you have a strong felling that you will get kaijued,then just use vfd effect early. Also, fix the BOT in the game! I can even see them in diamond 2.

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