Abyss Actor

Diamond I from on June 28th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is not the ideal way I would like to play the deck, but 4/5 matches in diamond are against tear/branded/bystials, and this deck can get out-resourced when the graveyard loop starts and we don't have a way to stop it. Necrovalley prevents us using abysstainment, which is a big downside, but you can still get the effect swap from theater, which oftentimes is enough.

Biggest change climbing the ladder was taking out super poly, which seemed big but wasn't actually winning games, and the discard in a pendulum deck is oftentimes a bigger downside in the long run.

Evil Heel is a fantastic card, but not in this format. Swapped out for Funky Comedian. If we end up in a towers format (looking at you, Kashtira) then the Heel is the reel deel.

Also tried lava golem and triple tactics, but neither helped. Ash blossom is a must in this format.

Gravekeeper's commandent was oddly useful. Activating it gives so much information going first if they Ash and helps set up plays knowing what's coming.

The true MVP of the deck is Sassy Rookie. Imperm on Hyper Director can end our turn on a tough hand, and sassy rookie + Opening Ceremony gives us a free body before committing to Hyper Director so we can continue our combo if it gets negated (which it will)

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ID: 505-319-192