
Diamond I from on March 27th, 2023
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 1020
60 cards

Notes & Combos

60 card pile deck with some bigger focus on Charmers. Magicians' Souls and Nefariouser can help a negated Ze Amin keep being a play, and The Zombie Vampire is generally easy to go into with Chaos Ruler and a stolen monster from the opponent's GY. Milling Possessed Partnerships and Awakening of the Possessed means you can use Possessed Partnerships's GY effect to get Awakening of the Possessed on your field, which is helpful for both drawing cards and gaining a lot of attack.

The general 2 card combo is NS Ze Amin, search Foxy Tune, Foxy Tune effect SS Deer Note, SS Magicians' Souls, SS Nefariouser from the hand or deck by sending Ze Amin and Magicians' Souls to the GY, Nefariouser revives Ze Amin, use the Deer Note and Ze Amin to make a Dragon Drive, Dragon Drive searches Ghost ogre and Deer Note revives Ze Amin, Synchro Summon Chaos Ruler using Ze Amin and Nefariouser, Chaos Ruler effect to mill and grab a card, Nefariouser grabs Possessed Partnerships or Awakening of the Possessed. You can go into Zombie Vampire here for more mills (if you didn't already mill with Ishizu stuff, and even if you did it's still good).

Verte into DPE is very useful for when you get hit with Maxx C or are somewhat bricked and can only do a simple play.

Baronne and Chengying can be gone into generally with any level 8 and a level 2 tuner (Gamma, Shinobi Necro).

Quillbolt Hedgehog can be an easy way to go into Naturia Beast as well as being just an extra body for link plays.

There's probably a lot of other stuff to talk about, but it's to much to type out here, haha. Ask me about it in the Charmer channel if you have any questions!

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