
Diamond I from on March 10th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm not gonna bother with too much of a write up. Mathmech is fairly solved and is a decent contender but nowhere near the tier 1 powerhouse it before sprights came out. It stands as a decent power player with a compact engine and plenty of room for techs/handtraps.

The microcoder package is in here since with parallel, I'm hard commiting to the heatsoul line. High roll boards are typically transcode + heatsoul with an I:P and superfactorial with conflict in the backrow. Nothing better than drawing into the insect off the heatsoul draws and shotgunning it in draw phase into them scooping.

This variant is definitely not optimal but I just find it a lot of fun. There's not much for me to include replay wise but as I get drowned out by the many other mathmech pilots, I wish all of you a good ladder experience as I narrowly dodged the worst of graveyard turbo decks with ishizus (I swear even if it's not the best, grass decks hitting both ishizu miller names make irrationally annoyed).

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