Notes & Combos
On the Tear side of things, I am playing max copies of the Fusion Girls in the main deck, with one copy of Kit in the extra deck and Perlereino. I am not playing Rulk just because I think Winda is a funny card, although there were a couple of situations where I wish I had a third Masq or a second Chimera. So dropping Winda for one of them or Rulk might be good.
I am playing three Tragedy because it is the best card to banish off Allure, and it is not that difficult to get its GY effect to search since both Opening and Scheiren discard as an effect.
For my light targets, I am running both Snow and Ecclesia. Snow is busted, and Ecclesia is a nice way to draw out a negate turn two without having to normal summon. It can also recycle itself from the GY, which is nice.
I am running one Shaddoll Beast because draw one is nice, and when Winda does come up, it's pretty funny.
I am playing max copies of the shufflers and none of the millers since they will probably benefit the opponent more.
I am also running three TTT and three Super Poly. I previously was trying out two copies of each, but honestly, in the current meta, they are just so good. Something like Super Poly sending a shuffler always feels good.
The deck also has the added benefit of being 60c, and since not that many people on 60c are running tear/shufflers, most of my opponents would just blindly activate their millers.
The extra deck is basically just a standard 60-card Branded list with Kit and Winda. Verte is also pretty good to have in tight situations.
In my expercience the deck was pretty consistent and most opening hands felt pretty good. For the Tear matchup my gameplan was mostly just to set up a masquerade or two and/or just get their tear monsters off the field to shut off their backrow. Other than that it was usually just normal branded plays. I did face quite a few people playing evenly matched so in a lot of games I would end on boards that were sometimes pretty mid to ensure I had follow up and also just to not get punished as bad.
Player ID: 515-620-250
The replays arent anything too crazy just a couple games of me playing the deck on ladder